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Taliban Destroys 2 Indian Consulates – Free PDF Download

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What has happened?

  • The Talibanentered at least two of India’s consulates in Afghanistan on Wednesday, searched for documents and took away parked cars, government sources said today,
  • Expressing worry that it meant the group is acting against the assurances its leaders have been giving to the world.
  • Members of the Taliban “ransacked” the Indian consulates in Kandahar and Herat, which are closed, according to the sources.
  • They “searched closets” in Kandahar for papers and took away vehicles parked at both the consulates.
  • “We expected this. They ransacked the place searched documents and also took away our parked vehicles from both embassies,“ a senior officer told.

India’s mission in Afghanistan

  • India operated four consulates in the country, besides the embassy in Kabul.
  • Apart from Kandahar and Herat, India also had a consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif, which was shut down days before the Taliban took control.

What about embassy in Kabul?

  • Amid reports of the Taliban entering Indian consulates in Kandahar and Herat, the local staff of the embassy in Kabul has said no such raids have happened at the establishment.

India’s evacuation

  • Earlier this week, India carried out a difficult evacuation of its embassy staff in two Indian Air Force C-17 aircraft that flew out of Kabul.
  • India’s ambassador to Afghanistan was also brought back as diplomats and civilians scrambled to get out of the country after the Taliban’s takeover.
  • But over 1,000 Indian nationals are still stuck across Afghanistan.

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  • Days before the raid, the Taliban had reached out to Delhi, saying that did not want India to evacuate diplomats from its Kabul embassy.
  • Sources say the government had received messages from the group’s Qatar office assuring them of the safety of Indian staff and security personnel.
  • The messages – sent from the office of Abbas Stanikzai, the chief of the Taliban’s political unit – were routed via contacts in Kabul and Delhi.

What Taliban is exactly doing now?

  • After its breakneck takeover of the Afghan capital, the Taliban has been carrying out door-to-door searches in Kabul to identify Afghans who worked for National Directorate of Security, the state-run intelligence agency.
  • An intelligence document for the UN has also revealed house-to-house Taliban searches for people who worked with the US and NATO forces, according to news agency AFP.
  • The “targeted searches” have raised fears that the group, which has launched a PR blitz and has claimed complete amnesty for rivals, does not intend to stick to its word.
  • New Delhi is also concerned about the support the group is getting from various terror organisations.
  • Government’s intelligence sources reveal the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has released a statement on the Taliban victory, “Praising and congratulating the group on its emancipation in Afghanistan”.
  • Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham in Syria also released an official statement in support of the Taliban.
  • “The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) based in western China has also issued a statement congratulating the Taliban.
  • Events are unfolding at a very high pace – we are keeping a watch,” a senior government source said.
  • Foreign Minister S Jaishankar also spoke at the UNSC about “state hospitality” to terror groups.

Q) The United States has signed a Defence Cooperation agreement with which country, for peace in Indo-Pacific region?

  1. India
  2. Maldives
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Japan




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