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UPSC Handwritten Notes NGOs And The Development of the Tribal People | Important Notes Free PDF Download

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Notes By-

Sachin Gupta

Cleared UPSC 2017 with AIR-3

Development is a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon. The correct philosophy of
development like equity participation, gender equality, sustainability and empowerment of the weaker sections cannot be incorporated in the process of prosperity by Governmental
Organizations or Non-Governmental Organizations alone but by their collaboration.
As a result of which, the voluntary sector gains momentum for accelerating development in the
socio-economic field. Being familiar with the conditions of people voluntary organizations really makes things viable, communicable, and accessible to them and tries its very best for
the re-establishment of their attitudes, aspirations, accomplishments and abilities in a
proper way. Developmental role of NGOs is preparing the people for a change which is
basically an advocacy role, viz. development of education, incorporating self-sustainable
development philosophy, and form public opinion about govt. policies or social issues,
consciences for environmental problem, literacy, health, use of appropriate technology
for family planning and empower the poor to overcome psychological inhabitations and
opposition of appraisers. NGOs work in relief and delivery of public goods as direct suppliers
and majority of the development by NGOs are NGOs and the Development of the Tribal
People – A Case Study of Keonjhar District
Subhrabala Behera involved directly in productive activities. Role
of direct supplier or implementer is relevant where bureaucracy is indifferent or inefficient,
programmes lack flexibility and cost effectiveness, poor are ignorant, elites are
ambitious, success and services are reconditions for motivation, etc.
As Keonjhar district with 5.33% of the state area and 4.35% of the state population
occupies the 12th position in respect of both population and area of the State. But more than
half of population that is 56% of its total population is tribals. It is a tribal concentrated
district of Orissa.
The tribes are mostly seen in Baripal, Telkoi, Harichandanpur, Ghatgaon, Keonjhar,
Patna, Sahanpur Block of Sadar Sub-division and Joda and Champua Blocks of Champua
Sub-division. The Scheduled Tribes of Keonjhar district which totalled 4,99,657 in
1981 Census increased to 5,95,184 in 1991 Census thus registering a growth of 11.90% in
a decade (1981-1991). As per 1991 Census there were 46 scheduled Tribes in the district.
Out of these the principal tribes were Bathudi, Bhuyan, Bhumij, Gond, Ho, Juang, Kharwar,
Kisan, Kolha, Kora, Munda, Oram, Santal, Saora, Sabar and Sounti. These 16 tribes
constituted 96.12% of the tribal population of the district.
The concentration of Scheduled Tribes is the highest in Keonjhar and lowest in the
Anandpur Sub-division. The majority of the STs are in agricultural occupations or in mining,
quarrying and other services. The literacy among the STs was 15.25% in the 1981 Census
but it was increased to 24.89% in the 1991 Census. The percentage is higher than the state
average of 22.31%. Changu, Chhau, Juang, Ho etc. are some of the important dances of tribes.
On festive occasions dancing is indispensable.
Most tribal villages have Akhara where men and women assemble together to dance to the
tune of indigenous music. The tribes of the district observe a number of festivals all the year
around. These festivals are Sarhul, Sohrai, Karmapuja, Bodam, Chaitra Parab or Uda
Parab, Makar Sankranti, Nuakhai, etc.
Organisation Profile: I had visited a no. of NGOs which are working for the development of the people particularly for the tribal people of Keonjhar district as it is a tribal concentrated district.
Among them, Wosca, AVS, WASTIC, BAITARANI are some of the NGOs which are working in Keonjhar District. These are non-profit, non-political and nongovernmental organizations, which are the outcome of the long interaction between some committee, educated youth and the deprived and neglected; belonging to the weaker sections, women and particularly to the tribal people as Keonjhar is a tribal concentrated
district. The Non-Governmental Organizations have motto to carry out any sort of action which
will improve the economic, rural, social and environmental standards of the people with
human dignity and to provide the needy with legal assistance as far as possible free of cost.
Location and Legal status:
The registered office of WOSCA (Women Organisation for Socio-Cultural
Awareness)is located at/po-Mandua, Dist.- Keonjhar, PIN-758074. WOSCA was
registered under Societies Registration Act XXI, 1960, bearing Registration No. XYR2308-316,
dated 20th April, 1993.
The registered office of AVS (Anchalika Vikasa Samiti) is located at/po- Dhangadadiha,
via-Ghatgaon, Dist. Keonjhar, PIN-758023. AVS was registered under Societies
Registration Act XXI of 1960, bearing Registration No. KJR-2455-356/1995-1996,
dated 25th March, 1996. The registered office of SWASTIC
(Centre of Social Welfare and Awarness for Strengthening Tribal Inhabitants) is located atKamargoda, College Road, Keonjhar-758001. SWASTIC was registered under Societies
Registration Act XXI of 1860 in 2004. The registered office of BAITARANI
is located at – Bhattasahi, po-Keonjhar Bazar, Dist-Keonjhar, PIN-758002. BAITARANI
was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1960, bearing Registration
No.KJR-4616/92, Dated 15th November, 2003.
Area of Operation:
The operational area of all these organizations are all over the geographical
jurisdiction of Keonjha r district which may likely to be extended in course of time as per
the need and demand of the people. But for the time being, WOSCA is working in Keonjhar Sadar, Patna, Ghatagaon, Hatadihi, Joda, Harichandanpur, Jhumpura, etc. blocks.
SWASTIC is working in Keonjhar Sadar, Jhumpura, Harichandanpur, Banspal,
Ghatgaon, etc. blocks. AVS is working in Ghatagaon block. BAITARANI is working in
Keonjhar Sadar, Banspal, Saharpada, Patna, etc. blocks.
Aims and Objectives:
All the organizations are having the same aims and objectives to bring social
change, economic reformation and to make the people self reliant in their individual life. The
organizations plan to work out the following aims and objectives-
– Improving the economic, social, environmental etc. standard of the people.
– To stimulate self-help and self-reliance through various field training programmes.
– To provide health and education to women
and children.
– To carry out environment promotion programme through safe drinking water
among the needy, establishment of latrine in the school campus and in common
– Publishing of news, letters, booklets, periodicals, leaflets, etc. with the aims of
creating awareness among the people.
– To facilitate free boarding and lodging to the SCs and STs School children for higher
– To organize sports competition among the school children and the village youths to represent in the state, national and international level.
– To provide employment guarantee by implementing various income generating
– To organize work committees, to fight against dowry deaths and women
– To bring out the community wastelands and individual lands under plantation
programmes to make land green and ecologically balanced.
– To arrange irrigation facilities and other facilities to the lands of small and marginal
farmers for production of more food grains.
– To take up infrastructure development like construction of village connection roads,
excavation of tanks for pisciculture, construction of ring bond, etc. for the
development of the people.
– Strengthening local governance at grassroots through PRI initiatives.
– Sustainable development of livelihood of under-privileged marginalized oppressed
– Women’s empowerment,promotion and strengthening of Selp-Help Groups.
– To provide environment education and promote village sanitation.
– To develop human resource and literacy.
– Provide employment through establishment of technical, non-technical and vocational
training institute.
– To provide awareness programme on STDs/HIV/AIDS.
– Handicraft promotion and development of rural artisans.
– Revamping of culture for better living.
– Marketing of rural agricultural and handicraft products.
– Land development and natural resource management activities.
The organizations are planning to take up various developmental projects with the
active support of Government in the years to follow. Till date, the organizations assistance
to take up various developmental projects, lack of adequate funds has of course stood as
a great hindrance. But this hindrance has not been able to differ the organization from its
determination. They hope to serve the people more and more with the active support and
financial assistance of the Government of Orissa, India and also from other Foreign
Funding Agencies.
My chief purpose therefore, at this point is to make a study of the functions of the
non-Governmental organization for the development of the people particularly for the
development of the tribal people. In this regard I have probed into the initiative, interest,
involvement and innovativeness of the above said NGOs for the socio-economic
development of the people.
Thus, I have analyzed on the basis of the answers given by 100 sample respondents
which have collected from the people of different villages of the Keonjhar District. As
far as practicable, I have tried my best to penetrate into the life of the villagers for my
field study through questionnaire and choosen 60 male and 40 female as sample of the total
population, the reaction of whom to a large extent reflect the workings of these NGOs
which have worked in their area. Since most of the sample respondents taken are illiterate,
I personally interviewed them and their responses have been recorded correctly and
Respondent’s Profile:
To have an upto date information in general awareness and overall implementation
of various development policies in their area, I asked them about the various policies of the
Government. Their responses are recorded in the following Table-I.
Awareness of Respondents towards the Development Policies.
It is found from the above table that majority respondents i.e., 90% know about
MGNREGS and Indira Awas Yojana.85% have awareness about Antodaya Anna Yojana and
Annapurna Yojana. 50% are aware about NRHM, 45% aware about Mo Kudia Housing
Programme, 40% aware about Rajib Gandhi Gramin Vikas Yojana and Gopabandhu Gramin
Hence, it is very clear that to my foremost questions in order to know their
general awareness on various developmental policies. They responded very affirmatively.
Their awareness, therefore, reveals that they are conscious and anxious about socioeconomic
development of their area.
Table-II shows that the media and agencies bringing awareness among the people
about the various policies.
The above table presented clearly that a noticeable number of respondents, i.e., 75%
are practically equipped and stimulated by NGOs about such policies. While 50% people
among the villagers know from TV, 45% from elected representatives, 40% from newspapers
and radio, 35% from educational institutions and 30% from other sources.
My next task was to make to probe into the consciousness of the respondents about
the implementation of various policies through various bodies and sectors. To find this, I put
them the questions- who have implemented such policies in your area ?
The table-III below shows their responses.
The aforesaid table clearly mentions that, out of the 100 respondents 75% people
go in favour of the NGOs, while 45% for Government Authority in the field of
implementation of the policies. 40% of the respondents states that as the local leader is in
direct touch with the area, so they promote the policies. 20% supported MPs, while a further
25% viewed that the Municipality is also working in the field. The analysis make in the preceding paragraph clearly manifests that the chief source of initiative for the implementation if
various developmental policies comes from the NGOs.
After analyzing degree of awareness, interest and consciousness of the respondents
about the developmental policies, the next point of my enquiry is to know that the respondents
of the villages came to know about the NGOs.
This has been displayed in the following table-IV.
The aforesaid statistical data reveals that a vast majority of the respondents i.e., 80%
state that the NGOs provide service and developmental projects in their area. So that
they came in contact with the organization.
35% bears a personal contact with the members of the organization. Quite a sizeable portion of
the village i.e., 55% are satisfied with the organization, because its members often came
to them for fulfilling and solving their day-today necessities and problems.
A study of the socio-economic development through the NGOs would be
known only by analyzing the awareness, interestand perception of the respondents about the
development policies, without a probe into the functioning of the organization and the level of
satisfaction of the respondents. I, therefore, at this stage enquire into the aspect by putting the
questions-Are you satisfied with the various development programmes undertaken by the
NGOs in your area ?
It is clear from the above table that respondents in a large number i.e., 90% are
satisfied with employment guarantee programme, SHG and IG activities, micro
finance activities of the organizations. While 80% are satisfied with vocational training
programme, 70% with health programme, educational programme, women problem
solving programme, awareness generation programme whereas 65% with environment
awareness programme, family welfare programme, legal awareness compaign. 60%
with anti-drug abuse programme, 55% with cultural activities and agricultural and farmers
training programme and 50% are satisfied with
HIV/AIDS/STD awareness programmes. My next step is to know the respondents’ view about the kind of development they achieve through the functions of the NGOs.
It can be well educated from the above table that 85% of the total respondents are satisfied
with economic development initiated by the organization. 80% of the total numbers are of
the opinion that they achieve a credible development in the social field through the
functioning of the NGOs, 75% are capable of broadening them prolifically and environmental
horizon and 65% are sense of participatory attitude towards politics. And further 60% are
satisfied with the legal development and 50% psychological development undertaken by the

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