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Mini Mock 27-32 | Maths & Reasoning | Free PDF Download

MINI MOCK (Set – 27 to 32)

Given here is a table that provides information about the number of private firms operating in different zones of Delhi during different years. 1) The number of private firms operating in East Delhi in 2011 was two fifth of the number of private firms operating in East Delhi in 2012. What was the average of the number of private firms operating in East Delhi during the period 2011 to 2013? a) 1500 b) 1250 c) 1800 d) 1100 e) None of the above 2) Average of the number of private firms operating in the 4 zones in 2012 was 2000. What was the number of private firms operating in North Delhi in 2012? a) 1600 b) 850 c) 1900 d) 1350 e) 1500 3) The ratio of number of private firms operating in West Delhi in 2011 and 2013 is 18:25, respectively. If average of the number of private firms operating in West Delhi during the period 2011 to 2013 was 2100, then what was the number of private firms operating in West Delhi in 2011? a) 2050 b) 1350 c) 1300 d) 1800 e) None of the above 4) If the number of private firms operating in South Delhi in 2013 was 9/4 of the number of private firms operating in North Delhi in 2013, then what was the ratio of number of private firms operating in south Delhi in 2012 and in 2013? a) 7:13 b) 9:13 c) 2:11 d) 5 : 6 e) None of the above 5) The number of private firms operating in North Delhi in 2011 was 1300 less than the average of number of private firms operating in South Delhi and West Delhi in 2012. What was the number of private firms operating in North Delhi in 2011? a) 1500 b) 1450 c) 1200 d) 1150 e) None of the above

Mini Mock (Set – 27)

6) Quantity l: In a class, there are 10 boys and 12 girls. Teacher wants to select 3 boys and 2 girls from the class. In how many ways can the teacher select the students from the class? Quantity II: Perimeter of rectangle is 24 cm. Ratio of length and breadth is 3:1. Cost of painting the rectangle is Rs 240 cm2. If the length is increased by 10%, find the total cost to paint the rectangle. A. Quantity I > Quantity II B. Quantity I < Quantity II C. Quantity I >Quantity II D. Quantity I Quantity II B. Quantity I < Quantity II C. Quantity I >Quantity II D. Quantity I Quantity II B. Quantity I < Quantity II C. Quantity I >Quantity II D. Quantity I Quantity II b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II c) Quantity II > Quantity I d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established 4) Satish calculates his loss percentage on selling price in place of cost price and found 20% loss. He again calculates it and found that he sold articles at Rs. 96 less than cost price. Find the cost price of article. (a) Rs. 800 (b) Rs. 460 (c) Rs. 644 (d) Rs. 680 (e) Rs. 576 6) Quantity I: A and B started a business by investing Rs. 24000 and Rs. 30000 respectively. The period of investment is equal for both of them. Find the share of A out of the annual profit of Rs. 72000? Quantity II: P and Q started a business together. After one year, their profit ratio is 3: 4. If P invested Rs. 12000, then find the initial investment of Q? a) Quantity I > Quantity II b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II c) Quantity II > Quantity I d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established

Mini Mock (Set – 29)

7) Quantity I: The ratio of speed of two trains is 3: 5. If the second train runs 350 km in 7 hours, then the speed of the first train is? Quantity II: 150 m long train crosses a telegram post in 3 sec. Find the speed of the train? a) Quantity I > Quantity II b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II c) Quantity II > Quantity I d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established The pie – chart given below shows the percentage distribution of the number of employees of a bank in the northern region. The number of GM in the bank in the northern region = 1854. 8) Number of Clerks in the northern to southern region is in the ratio of 8:9, respectively and the number of PO in the southern region to the northern region is in the ratio 3:2, respectively. Find the difference in the number of PO and number of Clerks in the southern region. a) 618 b) 628 c) 638 d) 648 e) None of these 9) In the northern region, 25% of the ED are promoted to MD out of which(100/3)% are posted outside the northern region and the rest are posted within the northern region. Find the percentage increase in the number of MD in the northern region.? a) 10% b) 20% c) 15% d) 25% e) None of these 10) Monthly salary of a DM and a GM are in the ratio 6:7, respectively. Total per day salary of all the DM in the northern region together is Rs. 1315104. Find the difference between the monthly salary of a DM and a GM. (Assume one month 31 days)? a) Rs. 4512 b) Rs. 4712 c) Rs. 4912 d) Rs. 4524 e) None of these 11) In the northern region one-third of the ED’s are below 45 years, 25% are between 45 years to 50 years. Of the remaining, 60% are between 50 years to 55 years and rest are above 55 years. Find the ratio of the number of ED’s above 55 years to below 45 years. (No ED employee is exactly 45, 50 or 55 years old) a) 1 : 2 b) 3 : 2 c) 2 : 5 d) 4 : 3 e) None of these

Mini Mock (Set – 29)

Q1. Statements: Some Recharge are shot. No shot is thin. Some thin is Pin Conclusion: (i) Some Pin are shot. (ii) All Pin being shot is possibility. (iii) All Pin is thin. (a) Only (i) and (iii) follow (b) Only (iii) follow (c) Either (i) or (ii) follow (d) All follow (e) None of the above Q2. Statements: All Agra is Pune. No Agra is Chennai. Some Chennai is Lucknow. Conclusion: (i) Some Pune are not Chennai. (ii) All Lucknow being Agra is a possibility. (Iii) All Lucknow being Pune is a possibility. (a) Only (i) and (iii) follow (b) Only (iii) follow (c) Either (i) or (ii) follow (d) All follow (e) None of these Mini Mock (Set – 30) Q3. Statements: No Nisha is a Vani. All Mahesh are Nisha. Some Nishas are Adi. Conclusion: (i) Some Adi are not Vani is a possibility. (ii) All Adi being Mahesh is a possibility. (iii) All Mahesh being Adi is a possibility. (a) Only (i) and (iii) follow (b) Only (ii) and (iii) follow (c) Either (i) or (ii) follow (d) All follow (e) None of these Q4. Statements: Some MI are Sony. No Sony is Lenovo. Some Lenovo is Moto G Conclusion: (i) All Moto G are Lenovo. (ii) All MI being Lenovo is possibility. (iii) All Lenovo being MI is a possibility. (a) Only (i) and (iii) follow (b) only (iii) follow (c) Only (ii) and (iii) follow (d) All follow (e) None of these Mini Mock (Set – 30) Q5. Statements: All Power is Point. Some Power is not pen. Some pen is pencils. Conclusion: (i) Some pencils being pen is a possibility. (ii) All Point being Power is a possibility. (iii) Some pencils are Point is a possibility. (a) Only (i) and (iii) follow (b) Only (iii) follow (c) Either (i) or (ii) follow (d) None follows (e) Only (ii) and (iii) Mini Mock (Set – 30) Eight IT professionals Amit, Amitabh, Abhishek, Arun, Ajay, Anoop, Abhinav and Arjun work in an IT firm. They submit their laptops after workhours. The laptops are kept in different lockers one above another and are assigned sequence numbers 1-8 from bottom to top. The laptops are of different make: Lenovo, Dell, Asus, Acer, Apple, Sony, HP and Toshiba not necessarily in the same order. • The laptop owned by Arun is kept in locker that is at a gap of three lockers from the locker containing the Asus laptop. • Arjun owns the Lenovo laptop and laptop has a sequence number that is twice of the sequence number of the laptop owned by Anoop. • The HP laptop has a sequence number that is thrice of the sequence number of the apple laptop • 2 laptops are kept between the apple and the Acer laptop and neither of the 2 laptops are kept in the lowermost locker. • Laptop owned by Amitabh is kept just above the dell laptop • Amit owns the laptop that is kept just below the Toshiba Laptop • The laptop owned by Abhishek is kept in a locker that is 2 lockers above the locker that contains Ajay’s laptop. • 2 laptops are kept between Arun’s and Anoop’s laptop. • Anoop does not own the Sony or the Dell Laptop Mini Mock (Set – 30) In the following questions, the symbols #, &, @ and $ are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions: Note: The directions which are given indicates exact directions. A@B – B is in the south direction of A at distance of 2m. A#B – B is in the north direction of A at distance of 1m A$B – B is in the east direction of A at distance of 3m A&B – B is in the west direction of A at distance of 4m. A@$B- B is in the southeast direction of A. A@&B- B is in the southwest direction of A. A#&B- B is in the northwest direction of A. A#$B- B is in the northeast direction of A. 1. If J@K$L@&M@$N#O are related to each other such that K and M are inline vertically and O and L are inline vertically then what is the probable shortest distance between M and L when O is the midpoint of LN? (a) √10 (b) 2√3 (c) 3√2 (d) 4√2 (e) None of these 2. If J@K$L@&M@$N#O are related to each other such that K and M are inline vertically and O and L are inline vertically then what is the probable shortest distance between N and P when P is to the east of O at a distance of 4m? (a) √19 (b) √13 (c) √17 (d) √21 (e) None of these

Mini Mock (Set – 31)

‘A @ B’ means ‘A is greater than B’ ‘A # B’ means ‘A is less than B’ ‘A % B’ means ‘A is greater than or equal to B’ ‘A & B’ means ‘A is less than or equal to B’ ‘A ! B’ means ‘A is equal to B’ Give answer, a). If only Conclusion I follows b). If only Conclusion II follows c). If either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows d). If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows e). If both Conclusion I and Conclusion II follows 3). Statement: P # L % C & V @ N & R ! S & O Conclusion: I). O @ N II). N ! O 4). Statement: M & N ! F @ O # P % S & L @ K Conclusion: I). M # S II). N @ K 5). Statement: P @ L % M ! N % H & B ! V & W Conclusion: I). W % H II). P @ H 6). Statement: H @ S # O % E ! N & X # L % V @ Q Conclusion: I). O @ N II). Q # L Mini Mock (Set – 31) 7). Statement: P # L ! C # J % I @ U % S & X @ Q Conclusion: I). J @ S II). P ! C 8 persons- P to W live in the same building. The building has 6 floors and each floor has two flats. Each of the floors has the same construction, so the flats can also be said to be stacked in two columns. At least one of them resides on each of the floors and exactly one of them resides in each flat. Each of them had watched movie Deadpool, but the number of times they watched it was distinct, with 2 being the least and 9 being the highest number of times watched by any one. It is also known that: P, who watched Deadpool two more time than that of S, lives on a floor just above that of U and along the same column of the building. None among T and W is along the same column of the building as that of V. The one who watched Deadpool 8 times lives on a floor alone in the building. The total number of times Deadpool watched by the persons living at the top floor is 10. W and V don’t live on two consecutive floors. No one lives on the floor of R, who has watched Deadpool 7 times. No two flats on the consecutive floors in the same column are vacant. Q’s and S‘s flats are in the same column, and Q lives at least two floors above that of S. The number of floors between V’s flat and S‘s flat is same as the number of floors between R’s and V’s flat, but are not on consecutive floors to each other. The number of floors between T’s and R’s flats is same as the number of floors between W’s and U’s flat. If A lives below the floor of V, then P definitely does not live alone on a floor. Mini Mock (Set – 31) A) If the data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question. B) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. C) If the data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. D) If the data given in both I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question. E) If the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 1) What is the distance between C and D? l. Point B is 33 m to the north of A. Point C is 56m to the east of B. Point E is 16m to the south of Point A. Point D is 63m to the west of point E. ll. Point C is 65m somewhere to the North-east of A. Point D is 65m to the south-west of A. 2) How is Babita related to Jethalal? l. Babuji has one son. The paternal uncle of Babita is married to Maher. Ratan is the grandson of Jethalal. Navel is the father of Babita. Jethalal has only two sons. Babuji is the husband of Maher. ll. Maher is the daughter in law of Jethalal and wife of Babuji. Navel is the brother in law of Maher. Babita and Ratan are cousins. Navel has only one child. 3) How is the sentence “Did I know something” coded in the give language? l. In same language, “You know nothing” is coded as “la na ka”, “l know Everything” is coded as “ea ka ga”, “Did you know Something” is coded as “Da la ka sa”. ll. In a certain code language, “Someone know something” is coded as “pa ka sa”, “None know Everything” is coded as “ma ka ea”. 4) There is a group of five buildings (A, B, C, D and E), how many of them are taller than D? l. At least three Buildings are taller than building C. A is not the shortest Building. Building D is taller than Building A. ll. Building E is taller than Building B. Building A is taller than Building B. Building E is shorter than Building D.

Mini Mock (Set – 32)

5) Conclusions: l. Some B is C. II. No E are A. Statements: a) Some A is B. Some B is E. Some E is C. b) Some E is A. Some A is B. Some A is C. d) Some B is E. All E is C. All C is A. d) Some B is A. Some A is C. Some C is E. e) Some A is B. All A is C. No C is E. 6) Statements: L=M, F<r<t, p=”N”>K, M=F, R>K Conclusions: I. R=M II. N=R III. FF II. A>P III. T=F IV. L</r<t,>

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