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Home   »   Afghanistan Wars | By Dr. Mahipal...

Afghanistan Wars | By Dr. Mahipal Singh Rathore | Free PDF Download

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The Graveyard of Empires

Afghanistan is

  • Easy to invade
  • Difficult to conquer
  • Impossible to rule – by any foreign powerü Reason – geography again + tribal/ethnic divisions ©DrMahipalRathore ©DrMahipalRathore Only 12 % land is arableü Large number of refugees staying inü Pakistan and Iran World’s largest producer of opiumü Khyber pass – near Peshawarü ©DrMahipalRathore
  • banking

The great Game

A conflict of supremacy in central Asia BRITISH EMPIRE vs. RUSSIAN EMPIRE 19th century 1919- Treaty with British and Independent Afghanistan

Middle of 20th century

King Zahir Shah brought in modern reforms in 1960s
• Elections
• Political rights
• Women’s education King’s cousin Daoud Khan ousted him in 1973
The Saur (Communist) Revolution

  •  1978- the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan [PDPA] organised a coup against Daoud Khan
  • They continued modernization but tried to bring land reforms- widely detested in rural areas
  •  Uprising in several areas- hard crackdown
  •   USSR sent advisors and equipment to help the new communist govt

The Soviet Afghan War 1979-89

Why USSR sent its army to Afghanistan?
• Infighting in PDPA (another coup : Hafizullah Amin comes to power)
• Rising rebellions in rural areas (land + modernization)
• The fear of Iran’s Islamic revolution spreading to central Asia
Christmas eve 1979 – Soviet Army marches in 34 Muslim nations and UN general assembly opposed the invasion Soviet army soon controlled the cities, communication systems but NOT the rural areas- geography!!

Cry for a ‘’Holy War’’

All disparate tribes, rebel groups and warlords joined hands to fight the godless invader. ‘’Mujahideen’’- Fighters in a holy war(Jihad) Youth from all over flock to the country to fight Supported by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China and USA

Guerrilla warfare in mountains by Mujahideen 


A young Saudi lad from a rich family of Saudi Arabia fighting in Afghanistan in 80s

Various warlords like Ahmad shah Massoud and groups like Taliban and Al Qaeda emerged in the 1980s during this war against USSR With USA provided weapons and support of Pakistan’s ISI the war is drawn to a bloody Stalemate.
Stinger –The game changer Light ,portable &hand held Surface to air missiles.

 Soviet invasion winds down

Gorbachev – reforms in USSR Gradual pullback of forces started 1986 – USSR backed Govt formed, led by Md.Najibullah  1989 – All Soviet forces left  Warlords start fighting for supremacy

Afghan Civil war 1989-1996

1991- Collapse of USSR  1992- Collapse of Najibullah govt  1992-96 – Chaos : Warlords keep fighting for supremacy  Finally Taliban emerged from the south(base-Kandahar) as the largest and most powerful group

 The Taliban Rule (1996-2001)

‘Talib’- students  Leader – Mullah Omar  Supported and backed militarily by PakistanØ  Strict Sharia law imposition  Widespread human rights abuse  Worst conditions for women- no education or free movement

AL -Qaeda

International network of terrorists groups Ideology – Extremist form of Islamism/Salafism Leaders – Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri Given support and shelter by Taliban  (In)Famous attacks –  WTC bombing, 1993§  US embassy bombings in Africa, 1998§  9/11 – Crashed hijacked planes into WTC and Pentagon  Madrid train bombing , 2004§

Bush’s WAR ON TERROR ‘’Either you are with us or against us’’


Operation Enduring Freedom 2001-2014

USA attacked Afghanistan as Taliban refused to hand over Laden By December 2001, Taliban govt fell Fighters went into hiding  International Security Assistance force ISAF – By UN Security council  Hamid Karzai appointed head of interim govt

Hamid Karzai 2001-2014


 The Taliban insurgency

For over a decade ,guerrilla campaigns to§ get back territory  Ambushes, roadside IED bombs§  Many Rural areas and provinces captured§  Kunduz – September 2015 Source –Al Jazeera May 2011- Osama Bin Laden killed in Abbottabad,Pakistan [Operation Neptune Spear]

Situation after 2014

October 2014 – Ashraf Ghani came to power  December 2014 -ISAF transfers security duties§ to Afghan security forces  Around 10000 US troops remain to advise,§ support Afghan army and counter terror ops  Taliban split into factions – some are in peace§ talks with Govt of Afghanistan  ISIS has captured some areas in East.

A Bleak scenario

Decades of war has turned the country into one of§ world’s poorest and least developed  Heavy govt corruption§  High illiteracy§  Huge number of mines – maiming civilians§  Refugees§  Turncoat soldiers in Security forces.

War | Free PDF

By Dr. Mahipal Singh Rathore
Facebook Id-> facebook.com/mahipalsinghrathore

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