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What is climate proofing of agriculture? Discuss the initiatives taken for this in India

Q) What is climate proofing of agriculture? Discuss the initiatives taken for this in India.(10 marks, 150 words)

कृषि का जलवायु प्रमाणन क्या है? भारत में इसके लिए की गई पहलों की चर्चा कीजिए।

Demand of the Question-The question demands understanding of resilient and sustainable agriculture.

Directive Word

What– demands definition and a short description of the concept. Discuss- demands addressing the initiatives, its pros and shortcomings.

Structure of the Answer


State the importance of the need of climate proofing with recent reports, like IPCC. Provide a definition of what is climate agriculture and its benefits.


Mention the initiatives taken up in India, by GoI, entrepreneurs, scientists and agriculturalists, and civil society. Address the need of this and what are the shortcomings

Conclusion– Use reports or data to show urgency of climate proofing. Suggest ways to address the shortcomings and way forward.

Part of Syllabus

GS Paper 3- Broad topics Agriculture and Environment, specifically- Major crops-cropping patterns in various parts of the country

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