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Daily Advanced Word List – 11th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

hegira [ hi-JAHY-ruh’, HEJ-er-uh’ ]
[ noun]
1. a journey undertaken in order to escape from an unpleasant place and get to a more conducive one
2. (islam) the flight of prophet muhammad from mecca to medina in 622 a.d.
immaculate [ i-mak-yuh’-lit ]
[ adjective ]
1. pure, without any blemish
2. without any errors
3. free form sin
queer [ kweer ]
[ adjective, transitive verb ]
1. (adj.) unconventional or strange
2. (adj.) feeling faint or unwell
3. (adj.) of a questionable character or shady
4. (tr. v.) to ruin or jeopardize
dispirited [ dih-SPIR-i-tid ]
[ adjective ]
1. discouraged or disheartened
2. gloomy or depressed
3. dejected
allusion [ uh’-LOO-zhuh’n ]
[ noun ]
1. of passing or casual reference, an instance of implied or indirect reference
2. the act of alluding or hinting at something

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