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Daily Advanced Word List – 3rd March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

balderdash [ BAWL-der-dash ]

[ noun ]
nonsense; stupid, senseless talk or writing

consequential [ kon-si-KWEN-shuh’ l  ]

[ adjective ]
1. resultant or following an outcome or effect
2. important or significant
3. pompouse

apartheid [ uh’-PAHRT-heyt, -hahyt ]

[ noun ]
1. a policy that was earlier practised in the republic of south africa to separate the non-white community from the white community
2. segregation or separation

tangential [ tan-JEN-shuh’l  ]

1. deviating from the topic
2. tending to be evasive
3. irrelevant for the most part

chassis [ CHAS-ee, -is, SHAS-ee]

noun  ]
1. the frame of a motor vehicle on which the body is supported
2. the landing gear of an aircraft
3. a frame for mounting the circuit components of electronic equipmentDownload Free PDF – Advanced English Wordlist
Daily Advanced Word List – 3rd March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation_4.1
Daily Advanced Word List – 3rd March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation_5.1

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