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Daily Advanced Word List – 10th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

nadir [ NEY-der, NEY-deer ]

[ adj ]
1. the lowest possible point; extreme despair or adversity
2. the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath a given position or observer and diametrically opposite the zenith.

wizened [ WIZ-uh’nd; WEE-zuh’nd]

adj ]
shrivelled, withered or dried up

ale [eyl]

[ noun ]
1. a beverage like beer that is made by fermenting malt and hops with yeast
2. an English country festival where ale is served as the primary beverage

substantiation [ suh’b-STAN-shee-a-shuh’n ]

[ noun, transitive verb ]
1. the establishment of facts
2. the affirmation of an idea through action

nonchalance [ NON-shuh’-lahns]

noun  ]
1. the state or quality of being indifferent or showing a lack of concern
2. casualness or indifference

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