Table of Contents
carnal [ KAHR-nl ]
[ adj]
1. sensual, bodily or of the flesh
2. worldly or corporeal
dross [ draws, dros ]
[ noun ]
1. rubbish, waste matter or impurity
2. a trivial, inferior or insignificant matter
3. (metallurgy) the scum that forms on the surface of molten metal during the process of oxidation
tarry [ TAR-ee ]
[ noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (intr.v.) to loiter, linger or wait
2. (intr.v.) to stay, sojourn or
3. (tr.v.) (archaic) to await
4. (n.) a stay or sojourn
winnow [ WIN-oh ]
[ noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. . (tr.v.) to separate the grain from the chaff by means of a current of air
2. (tr.v.) to rid or free grain of unwanted or inferior elements
3. (tr.v.) to fan or blow on
4. (intr.v.) to sift grain from chaff by fanning
5. (n.) the machine or device used to sift grain from chaff
tenacity [ tuh’-NAS-i-tee ]
[ noun ]
1. the quality of being persistent
2. perseverance