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Daily Word List – 25th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

effluvium [ i-FLOO-vee-uh’ m ]

noun ]
1. emanation or exhalation of invisible vapour having a noxious odour
2. a waste by-product
3. an aura or outflow of particles that are impalpable

superimpose [ soo-per-im-POHZ ]

[  transitive verb ]
1. to place something over something else
2. to print one image over another

swerve [ swurv ]

noun, verb  ]
1. (v.) to veer off a straight course
2. (v.) to change direction suddenly
3. (n.) the act of changing course

pendulous [ PEN-juh’-luh’s ]

[ adjective ]
1. sagging or loosely hanging down
2. swinging freely
3. wavering or undecided

thrifty [ THRIF-tee ]

[ adjective ]
1. practicing economical management or wisely frugal
2. prosperous, thriving or successful
3. growing vigorously

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