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Daily Financial News Analysis – 7th Mar’20 – Free PDF Download

Daily Financial News Analysis – 7th Mar’20 – Free PDF Download_4.1


Today’s bank

  • Tech-driven aggregation of businesses has already  changed how we commute and order food.
  • Financial services are ripe for similar change.
  • BANKING SECTOR traditionally high entry barriers
  • India’s financial landscape needs to be viewed  against the backdrop of 120 crore-plus bank  accounts with validated linkage to Aadhaar and  mobile numbers (JAM).
  • Integrated, these will form the digital pipeline for  clean, better-informed and faster lending and  other services, within an ecosystem of fintech,  artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and  blockchains.
  • The trajectory of banking is clearly towards ‘palm  banking’, or banking from home.
  • Branch visits have already diminished, and the  time isn’t far when ATM visits, too, shall be  anachronistic, with affordable, easy, 24×7 financial  services delivered at a click, or at the doorstep,  arriving.

Daily Financial News Analysis – 7th Mar’20 – Free PDF Download_5.1

  • There will be a wealth management solution customised for you.
  • Real-time combining of data and banking make  all this possible.
  • Banking and delivery of services are coming to asset of fingertips near you, in the not-too-distant  future.

India’s super rich

  • Despite rising geopolitical tensions, slow growth  forecasts and uncertainty remaining the norm in  2019, 51% of the Ultra-wealthy Indians experienced an increase in their fortune.
  • Knight Frank’s Wealth Report 2020: The number  of Ultra high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) in  India is estimated to grow by a whopping 73% in  the next five years, almost doubling the count to  10,354 from 5,986 in 2019.
  • Ultra high-net-worth individuals are defined as  having a net worth of at least US$30 million in  investable assets net of liabilities.
  • Knight Frank expects Asia to be the world’s  second largest wealth hub outperforming Europe,  with a five-year growth forecast of 44% by 2024.
  • However, even after a steep rise, it will reach only  half the size of North America’s UHNWI  population, which is predicted to increase by 22%  over the same period.

Services & Economic Recovery

  • The services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI),  which is an early gauge of activity levels in the  sector, rose in February to its highest in more  than seven years.
  • The jump reflects a surge in new orders and improved export demand.
  • Business confidence appears to have gone up in  this sector.
  • India seems to have bucked a global recessionary  trend.
  • Anxiety over Covid-19 has dampened business in  various other countries.
  • Australia and Japan have registered marked slowdowns, and service markets elsewhere are unlikely to escape unscathed.
  • India’s services sectors look like a bright spot.
  • Caution is also warranted because PMI readings are based on a survey of businesses and their outlook for the future, and the optimism expressed by them is not always a reliable predictor of how things actually work out.

Daily Financial News Analysis – 7th Mar’20 – Free PDF Download_6.1

  • Though PMI trends have pointed to a recovery for some months, this has not translated into faster  economic growth as recorded by official gross  domestic product (GDP) statistics for the sector.
  • Admittedly, one cannot quite compare the two.
  • Also, the time gaps between orders placed and income generated usually varies from one market  to another.
  • Nevertheless, the wide divergence in trends makes space for scepticism.
  • Uncertainty now looms large over the impact of the disease.
  • Travel and tourism are likely to be struck.
  • Among services, however, the most crucial is undoubtedly the financial sector.
  • Credit growth has been languishing under 10%, while it arguably needs to be far higher than that  for India’s economy to expand the way it did in its  boom years.
  • The country’s bad loan problem persists and bank balance sheets are yet to be cleared up, even as  lenders have apparently turned risk-averse.
  • Services account for three-fifths of the country’s GDP and if they are to form a lever that  could lift everyone’s economic prospects, we need  a lending revival.
  • This may take longer if a large number of state- owned banks with varied software platforms are  distracted by the internal nitty-gritties of merging




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