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China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download

China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_4.1

China under Criticism for…

  • Hiding Crucial Information Regarding Coronavirus
  • Racial Discrimination of Africans in China

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China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_6.1

Chinese FM Spokesman Geng Shuang

  • “United States you have to understand that your enemy is the virus, not China. Attacking and discrediting other countries will not recover time or lost lives, “he said.


China Used Social Media to Criticize the USA

Zhao Lijian, the spokesman and deputy director general of the Information Department of China’s Foreign Ministry, speculated to his half-million followers on Twitter that the United States was secretly concealing early 2020 COVID-19 deaths in annual flu counts.
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Fact: AIDS Started from Africa

  • Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans.
  • The earliest known case of infection with HIV-1 in a human was detected in a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • From 1979–1981 rare types of pneumonia, cancer, and other illnesses were being reported by doctors in Los Angeles and New York among a number of male patients who had sex with other men.

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Fact: US Didn’t Cover up for H1N1

  • As of 25 April 2009, the United States Government has reported 20 laboratory confirmed human cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 (8 in New York, 7 in California, 2 in Texas, 2 in Kansas and 1 in Ohio). All 20 cases have had mild Influenza-Like Illness with only one requiring brief hospitalization.
  • No deaths have been reported.
  • 25th April, 2009: US urged WHO to declare H1N1 as a Public Health Emergency.

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China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_11.1

  • “We are still asking the Chinese Communist Party to allow experts to get in to that virology lab so that we can determine precisely where this virus began,”
  • The Chinese, the whistleblowers have disappeared. The media’s been kicked out. Offers to send the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and other Western experts to come look into the issue have been rejected by the Chinese. So the burden’s really on the Chinese to let us know how this virus developed. We’ll have to watch and see what they do,” he said.

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China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_13.1
China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_14.1
Fact of the Matter!!!
If the Chinese Government had acted transparently, the world would not blame China for Coronavirus either.


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China blames USA for Starting AIDS – Burning Issues – Free PDF Download_4.1

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