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Case Study of the Day: Educational Initiatives in Dantewada

Context: The Dantewada district has achieved Education right for its children, by highlighting the role of local policy leadership in India’s multi-level institutional framework of policy and governance.

About Educational Initiatives in Dantewada

  • The citizens in Dantewada district face following constraints and difficulties:
    • The district is at fore-front of the armed struggle between state security forces and Left Wing Extremists – Naxalites.
    • They practice primitive farming, and their livelihood is dependent mostly on forests.
    • District fares poorly in achievements on human development indicators.
    • District is Poorly Served by Modern Development.
  • Educational Interventions which were introduced include:
    • Setting 53 residential schools at ‘fringe‘ locations in the district with free boarding and lodging facilities
    • Teacher training and modern teaching inputs were provided
    • Most of the related activities were coordinated with NGO’s for better implementation.
    • To provide exposure to students, they were taken to district headquarters to make them aware of their rights and duties.
    • Creation of residential facilities, for utilizing the provision of 25% reservation in private schools under Right to Education Act.
    • Clusters of important junctions in the district were chosen and ‘Educational Clusters’ were created. This helped in increasing and sustaining the enrolment ratio.
    • Post class room special tutorials for entrance exam were provided by teachers from reputed private institutions, to prepare students for professional courses like engineering, medical, polytechnic, nursing etc
    • Livelihood college for the unemployed youth, who have missed formal education were set up, and admissions were kept open to all regardless of educational qualification, any income or caste criteria.
  • The implementation process:
    • Finding support from the state‘s political leadership, and managing the local political leadership.
    • Prudent use of discretionary resources from Integrated Action Plan (IAP), managing contract and expenditure procedures.
    • Thinking strategically on school sites and reform team.
  • Impacts of the initiative:
    • Nearly 50,000 students have availed of the new opportunities, of which 91% are scheduled tribes.
    • Improved enrolment, retention and pass percentages.
    • Residential facilities have helped in improving the nutritional level of children.
    • Empowered local people and has given a voice to marginalized tribal populations.
    • It has re-imposed faith of the poor people in the public system.
  • Thus, the tangible outcomes of the case study should be replicated in other remote districts, to ensure citizens of their basic rights.

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The Dantewada district has achieved which right for its children?

The Dantewada district has achieved Education right for its children, by highlighting the role of local policy leadership in India’s multi-level institutional framework of policy and governance.
