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Is China A Threat To World Order – Free PDF Download

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The News

  • The U.S.-China meeting in Anchorage, Alaska has concluded. It was considered as a pivotal moment in geopolitics when a rising power and a ruling power sat across the table and debated whose view of international order was right.
  • US secretary of state said, “The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is committed to “strengthen the rules-based international order“”. He noted that China’s actions in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan “threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability.”
  • China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, shot back with a 16 min vitriolic Chinese counter.
  • Lets try to understand the intent and outcomes of this development.

The observation

  • Daniel Russel (Vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute) on the meeting
    • What was important wasn’t the acrimonious exchange at the beginning of the meeting. It was obviously where the drama was because the cameras were rolling.

The observation

  • Daniel Russel (Vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute) On USA
    • What was important is Biden administration came to this meeting only after he had already held a Quad summit.
    • Meeting came only after holding a two-plus-two, in Tokyo and then in Seoul.
    • Meeting came only after setting a date so that the Japanese prime minister could be the very first foreign leader to be received by the new president in US.

The observation

  • Daniel Russel (Vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute) On USA
    • The meeting with the Chinese after Biden successfully passed his $1.9 trillion budget, his relief bill, after he accelerated vaccine distribution.
    • So the point, Biden is showing that the U.S. wants to deal with China from a position of strength.
      • It’s not only military strength; it’s international partnerships and it’s American society and the American economy back on a positive trajectory.

The observation

  • Daniel Russel (Vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute) On China
    • The Chinese always want to have a very visible and structured dialogue. They have used these dialogues to buy time and to give the false impression that the problems were being solved.
    • They have an unlimited number of talking points. They can talk for hours. But that’s not the same as accomplishing anything or resolving anything.
    • As far as the international community and other countries go, international polls show that there is deep-seated suspicion and unease towards China.

The observation

  • Daniel Russel (Vice president for international security and diplomacy at the Asia Society Policy Institute) On US-China Dynamics

Is China A Threat To World Order – Free PDF Download_6.1

  • Trump has created a lot of leverage, and there are now in place a lot of measures — sanctions, tariffs, prohibitions, import screening, investment restrictions that the Chinese very much want to lift which is valuable for Biden.
  • Economic relationship could be warm, while the political relationship may remain cold. With skillful and good diplomacy this can be achieved.

The observation

  • Rachel Esplin Odell (Research fellow in the East Asia program at the Quincy Institute)

Is China A Threat To World Order – Free PDF Download_7.1

  • That’s an oversimplification of a more complex reality.
  • Who is united?
  • Every country has complex and varying relations with China.
  • We should not over simplify and suggest its US v China world. The world today is facing pandemic & other problems. There is a need for the kind of cooperation that would be necessary to tackle these issues.

The observation

  • Rachel Esplin Odell (Research fellow in the East Asia program at the Quincy Institute)

Is US failed policy from Obama regime responsible for Chinese rise?

  • The goal of U.S. policy shouldn’t be to prevent China from developing economically.
  • China’s rise is not something that the U.S. should prevent.
  • Chinese rise is not American failure and I think that’s a misrepresentation.

The observation

  • Rachel Esplin Odell (Research fellow in the East Asia program at the Quincy Institute)

Will China achieve military overmatch & change status quo in Taiwan Strait?

  • Chinese government recognizes that any attempt to invade Taiwan or engage in major military operations against Taiwan would be very difficult for them to win and to achieve success.
  • If China, really want a peaceful “reunification,” they should think more about how to adjust their strategy and engage more with the DPP Taiwan.



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