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Daily Advanced Word List – 15th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

benign [ bi-NAHYN ]

adjective ]
1. of a mild, gentle disposition
2. characterised by gentleness or kindness
3. favourable
4. harmless; non-malignant

expropriate [ eks-proh-pree-eyt ]

[ transitive verb  ]
1. to deprive or take away from someone his possessions or ownership rights
2. to take something from someone else for one’s own use

collate [ kuh’-LEYT, koh-, ko-, KOH-leyt, KOL-eyt ]

transitive verb ]
1. to collect, arrange in an order and then examine carefully in order to integrate
2. to appoint or admit (a cleric or clergyman) to a benefice
3. to examine the presence of all pages before printing

truce [ troos  ]

[ adjective ]
1. a cease-fire
2. a peace treaty

harry [ HAR-ee ]

[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (tr. v.) to harass or annoy
2. (tr. v.) to worry about
3. (tr. v.) to ravage or wreak havoc on by repeated attacks
4. (intr. v.) to make harassing incursions

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