Table of Contents
bcorpulent [ KAWR-pyuh’-luh’ nt ]
[ adjective ]
fat; stout; having a large bulky body
asperity [ uh’-SPER-i-tee ]
[ noun ]
1. ruggedness, harshness or roughness
2. difficulty, rigor or hardship
3. rudeness or acrimony
wrest [ rest ]
[ noun, transitive verb ]
1. (tr.v.) to twist, jerk or force violently
2. (tr.v.) to forcefully usurp or take away
3. (tr.v.) to twist or distort one’s meaning
4. (n.) a twist or wrench
5. (n.) (archaic) a small key that is used to wrench pins of a stringed instrument
transgress [ trans-GRES ]
[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (tr. v.) to break the law
2. (tr. v.) to exceed a limit or boundary
3. (intr. v.) to commit a sin
unerringly [ uhn-UR-ing-lie ]
[ adverb ]
1. without making mistakes