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Daily Advanced Word List – 1st March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

solecism [ SOL-uh’-siz-uh’ m, SOH-luh’-]

[ noun ]
1. something inconsistent with the normal, or accepted order
2. a nonstandard or ungrammatical usage of language
3. a breach of decorum or good manners

vex [ veks ]

[  transitive verb ]
1. to annoy, provoke or bother
2. to confuse or perplex
3. to plague, afflict or cause distress
4. to toss about or shake
5. to discuss in detail

vehement [ VEE-uh’-muh’nt ]

[ adjective ]
1. intense, powerful, deeply passionate or emotional or fervid
2. strong, strenuous or full of vigour
3. violent or marked by anger

stygian [ STIJ-ee-uh’n ]

[ adjective ]
1. dull and ominous
2. pertaining to Hades or the river Styx

imply [ im-PLAHY]

transitive verb  ]
1. to suggest without being directly expressed or explicitly stated
2. to signify or entail
3. to involve as a necessary circumstance
4. to hint at or express indirectly

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Daily Advanced Word List – 1st March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation_5.1

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