Table of Contents
inveigle [ in-VEY-guh’ l, -VEE- ]
[ transitive verb ]
1. to entice or win over by flattery or sweet talk
2. to obtain or acquire by slyness or beguiling talk
adduce [ uh’-DOOS, uh’-DYOOS ]
[ transitive verb ]
to offer or cite as a reason, example or proof
conduce [ kuh’ n-DOOS, -DYOOS ]
[ transitive verb ]
to lead, tend or contribute to a particular outcome or result
sonorous [ suh’-NAWR-uh’s]
[ adjective ]
1. (adj.) giving off a deep sound
2. (adj.) resonant or rich in sound
cherubic [ chuh’-ROO-bik ]
[ adjective ]
- (adj.) pertaining to an angel represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with wings
- (adj.) like a sweet child with a chubby innocent face