Table of Contents
harlequin [ HAHR-luh’-kwin, -kin ]
[ noun, adjective ]
1. (n.) a comic character usu. wearing a mask, tights and holding a wooden sword or magic wand
2. (n.) a buffoon; clown
3. (adj.) variegated with marks; varied in colour or decoration
ravenous [ RAV-uh’-nuh’ s ]
[ adjective ]
1. voracious, hungry, greedy or famished
2. predatory, avaricious or rapacious
3. eager or greedy for food, gratification or satisfaction
discern [ di-SURN, -ZURN ]
[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (tr.v.) to mentally detect, apprehend or discriminate
2. (tr.v.) to perceive, recognize or distinguish
3. (intr.v.) to distinguish
slacken [ SLAK-uh’n ]
[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (tr. v.) to make or become looser or less taut
2. (tr. v.) to make or become less active
concoct [ kon-KOKT ]
[ transitive verb ]
1. to prepare by mixing ingredients
2. devise or make up using skill and intelligence
3. contrive or fabricate