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Daily Advanced Word List – 5th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

mortify [ MAWR-tuh’-fahy ]
intransitive verb, transitive verb ]

  1. (tr.v.) to deaden or discipline one’s bodily appetites by fasting or self-denial
  2. (tr.v.) to shame, embarrass or humiliate
  3. (intr.v.) to practise mortification
  4. (intr.v.) to become necrosed or gangrenous

irrevocable [ i-REV-uh’-kuh’-buh’l ]
adjective ]

  1. cannot be undone
  2. cannot be changed

entomology [ en-tuh;-MOL-uh’-jee ]
noun ]

  1. the study of insects
  2. the scientific study of insects
  3. the branch of zoology dealing with insects

malapropos [ mal-ap-ruh’-POH ]
adjective, adverb ]

  1. (adj.) out of place or inappropriate
  2. (adj.) inopportune or untimely
  3. (adv.) inappropriately or inopportunely

risque [ ri-SKEY; Fr. R*ees-KEY ]
adjective ]
improper, indecent or off-colour

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