Table of Contents
conundrum [ kuh’-NUHN-druh’ m ]
[ noun ]
1. a riddle whose answer involves a play of words or is a pun
2. a difficult and intricate problem
vicissitude [ vi-SIS-i-tood, -tyood ]
[ noun]
1. variation, change or mutation
2. alternation or a successive change
3. an unexpected change that could occur in one’s life
wreak [ reek ]
[ transitive verb ]
1. to avenge or inflict or execute punishment
2. to cause or bring about
3. to vent, express or gratify one’s emotions
summarily [ suh’-MAIR-uh’-lee ]
[ adverb ]
1. without advance information
2. in an immediate and direct manner
vertebrate [ VUR-tuh’-brit ]
[ noun, adjective ]
1. (adj.) having a backbone or spinal column
2. (n.) an animal that has a backbone
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