Table of Contents
volition [ voh-LISH-uh’n, vuh’- ]
[ noun ]
1. an instance or act or choosing, willing or making a decision
2. a decision or choice made according to one’s own will
3. the faculty or power to choose, make a decision or determine
clairvoyant [ klair-VOI-uh’ nt ]
[ noun, adj ]
1. (adj.) having a perception of events and things far beyond that of a normal human being
2. (adj.) pertaining to, of or related to clairvoyance
3. (n.) one who is clairvoyant and claims to perceive the future
wont [ wawnt, wohnt, wuhnt ]
[ noun, adj, transitive verb ]
1. (adj.) used or accustomed
2. (adj.) apt, likely or inclined
3. (n.) habit or custom
4. (tr.v.) to habituate or accustom
tamp [ tamp ]
[ transitive verb ]
1. to force into or down by tapping
2. to pack a drill hole with clay after the explosive has been inserted
arsenal [ AHR-suh’-nl, AHRS-nuh’l ]
[ noun, adjective ]
1. a stock of or a supply of weapons and munitions
2. a government establishment where military equipment or munitions are manufactured