Table of Contents
titular [ TICH-uh’-ler, TIT-yuh’- ]
[ noun, adjective ]
1. (adj.) of, pertaining to or having a title
2. (adj.) nominal or existing only in title
3. (n.) one bearing or holding a title
tribunal [ trahy-BYOON-l, tri ]
[ noun ]
1. a court of law or justice
2. one that determines or judges
3. a position or seat of judgement
submerge [ suh’b-MURJ ]
[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (tr. v.) to place below the surface of the water
2. (tr. v.) to be under water
3. (tr. v.) to hide from view
4. (intr. v.) to go below the surface as if underwater
temperance [ TEM-per-uh’ns, TEM-pruh’ns ]
[ noun ]
1. self-control or restraint
2. complete abstinence from alcohol
nib [ nib ]
[ noun ]
1. the point of a pen
2. anything that forms a point or tip