Table of Contents
exacerbate [ ig-ZAS-er-beyt, ek-SAS-]
[ verb ]
aggravate; increase intensity, bitterness or violence
burlesque [ ber-LESK ]
[ noun, verb ]
1. (n.) a dramatic or literary work that tries to mock or ridicule through grotesque comical exaggeration
2. (n.) a grotesque theatrical entertainment which features obscene songs, slapstick humour, and sometimes striptease
3. (v.) to imitate or mock in humorous way
bolster [ BHOL-ster ]
[ noun, transitive verb ]
1. (n.) a pillow or a cushion
2. (n.) a pad or something used as a support
3. (tr.v.) to support, uphold or prop up
4. (tr.v.) to hearten or cheer up
stupor [ STOO-per, STYOO- ]
[ noun ]
1. a state when sensibility has been suspended or greatly diminished
2. stupefaction, lethargy, daze or apathy
ludicrous [ LOO-di-kruh’s ]
[ adjective ]
1. laughable because of absurdity
2. hilarious because of being ridiculous
3. provoking or deserving derision