Table of Contents
necromancy [ NEK-ruh’-man-see ]
[ noun ]
1. the practice of predicting the future by communicating with the spirits of the dead
2. black magic
scrupulous [ SKROO-pyuh’-luh’s ]
[ adjective ]
1. principled or having a strict regard for what one considers right
2. painstaking or minutely careful
dirge [ durj ]
[ noun ]
1. a poem, hymn or song played at a funeral to express grief or sorrow
a sad or mournful piece of literary work that is musical in nature
allegiance [ uh’-LEE-juh’ ns ]
[ noun ]
1. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a vassal, feudal lord, sovereign or country
2. loyalty or devotion to a person or cause
careen [ kuh’-Reen ]
[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
1. (intr. v.) to swerve while moving
2. (intr. v.) to rush headlong and carelessly
3. (intr. v.) to tilt or lean
4. (tr. v.) to cause to lean or tilt