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Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF 31th December



1. (n.) an unusually gigantic water beast mentioned in the Bible
2. (n.) anything that is unusually large of its kind
3. (adj.) gigantic
[noun,intransitive verb,transitive verb] 

1. (n.) an appointment or meeting or a place for such a meeting
2. (tr.v.) to fix up a meeting
3. (intr.v.) to agree for an appointment or meeting

1. clamorous, noisy or vehement when expressing one’s feelings
2. marked or characterised by a vehement or loud outcry
3. blatant, boisterous or strident

1. (n.) (roman catholic church) a place or condition in which the people who have died in god’s grace suffer and expatiate their sins
2. (n.) any state or place in which punishment, expatiation and suffering are temporary
3. (n.) limbo, hell or netherworld
4. (adj.) tending or serving to expatiate or cleanse
[noun,adjective,transitive verb] 

1. (n.) a person without any sense of right or wrong
2. (n.) a person doomed or without hope of being saved
3. (adj.) without principles of right and wrong
4. (tr. v.) to reject or condemn

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