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PUZZLES (Set – 1 to 14) | Maths & Reasoning | Free PDF Download

(Set – 1 to 14)


Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G participated in pizza eating competition. They are seated
acroSB a row facing towards north. They eat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 slices of a pizza, but not necessarily
in the same order. No one ate the same number of slices.
The one who ate one slice of pizza is seated 3rd to the right of F. C and A together ate 7 slices of a pizza. The number of slices of pizza eaten by E and D together is equal to the number of slices eaten by F alone, who is not seated at either of the ends of the row. F ate twice the number of slices
eaten by C. B is 3rd to the right of the one who ate 5 slices of a pizza. The one who ate twice the
number of slices eaten by E is the neighbor of A. G ate 1 slice more than the number of slices eaten
by B. G is seated 2nd to the left of the one who ate 3 slices of a pizza.

PUZZLES (Set – 1)

In the given figure the four lines segments 1, 2, 3, and 4 are RA, SB, TC, and UD respectively. The
lengths of the lines are 27 m, 25 m, 26 m, and 39 m respectively. Six people C, D, E, F, G, and H are standing in line 1- RA. All of them are facing north. With the distance between them increasing in multiples of 5(i.e., if suppose D is at the left end of the line at point R then the remaining friends will stand at a distance as follows- 5 m, 10 m, 15 m…). D stands at the left end of the line. Only one person stands between D and G. C stands third to the left of H. E is not a neighbor of G Similarly, six people- J, K, L, M, N, and O are standing are in line 4- UD. All of them are facing north. With the distance
between them increasing in multiples of 7.(i.e, if the first person is at the left end of the line
at point U then the remaining will be standing at a distance of as follows- 7m, 14m, 21m…) L is
standing at the 2nd position from the left end. N is an immediate neighbor of L. Two people are
standing between N and O. M stands second to the left of O. J is standing to the right of M.

(Set – 2)

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven people live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily
in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered
2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 7. Each one of them spends different
amount per month. i.e. 20000, 15000, 10000, 25000, 30000, 35000 and 40000(But not necessarily
in the same order). Each one of them likes different Movies i.e Dangal, Raaes, TZH, Simran, Dunkirk,
Newton and Bahubali(But not necessarily in the same order).
The person who likes Simran lived immediately below the one who likes Bahubali. The one who
spends Rs.20000 lives immediately above the one who spends Rs.40000. Only one person lives between
B and E. The one who likes TZH lives on even numbered floor while the one who likes
Raaes lives on odd numbered floor and not on the third floor. B lives on one of the floors above E.
Neither C nor A spends Rs.25000. The one who likes Newton live one of the floors above Bahubali.
E does not spend Rs. 10000. Person A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the floor numbered
three. The one who spends Rs.30000 lives immediately above A. Only two people live between
A and the one who spends Rs.10000. The one who spends Rs.15000 lives on one of the odd
numbered floors above D. The person who likes Newton does not live in the floor numbered 5
while the person who likes Simran does not live in the floor numbered 2. Only three people live between
C and the one who spends 15000. The one who spends Rs.10000 lives immediately above C.
F spends 10000. The one who likes Dangal lives immediately above the one who likes Newton. The
person who likes TZH lives in middle floor exactly.

(Set – 3)

Ten friends are going to a restaurant for the dinner. They are of different sirname viz; Ganguly, Singla,
Banerjee, Singh, Verma, Mistry, Mehra, Atari, Saini and Mukherjee, but not necessarily in the
same order. These ten persons are sitting in two rows in such a way that five persons in each row
and each person from one row is exactly opposite a person from the other row. They are of different
weight from 81 to 90, and sitting in such a way that the person has weight in odd number is not
opposite another person who has weight in odd number and no two persons who have weight in
even number are adjacent to each other.
Further information related to positions of the persons is given below:
1) The person whose sirname is Verma is sitting opposite to the person whose weight is 82 kg and
has weight neither 83 nor 81kg.
2) The persons whose sirnames are Singh and Verma are adjacent to the person whose weight is
86kg, but the person whose sirname is Singh is not sitting at an end.
3) The persons whose sirnames are Saini and Mukherjee are sitting in the same row. The person
whose weight is 86 kg is not sitting to the left of person whose weight is 87 kg.
4) The person whose sirname is Ganguly is neither adjacent nor opposite to the person whose sirname
is Mehra or The person whose sirname is Banerjee.
5) The person whose sirname is Singla has weight in even number and is opposite to the person
whose weight is 81 kg.
6) The person whose weight is 86 kg is sitting second from the right end in its row.
7) The person whose sirname is Mistry is sitting at the right end of the row.
8) Banerjee is to the right side of Atari and saini is not sitting opposite to Banerjee.
9) The person whose sirname is Mehra has weight of 85 kg and is not sitting in the same row in
which the person whose weight is 83 or 86 is sitting.
10) The person whose sirname is Banerjee has weight in odd number but not 81kg and is sitting in
the same row with the person whose sirname is Mehra.
11) The person whose sirname is Mistry has weight of 88 kg and is not sitting in the same row in
which the person whose weight is 84 or 86 kg is sitting.

(Set – 4)

10 people -P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y form a group of five couples sitting around a circular table.
Each couple sits together and both the members of a couple face opposite directions. It is also
known that:
1) X is opposite to T and V is an immediate neighbor of X. Also, both X and V are facing the same
2) At most three people of the same gender are facing the same direction.
3) T is a male and the person to his immediate left is also a male. T is facing towards outwards.
4) Y is a female and is second to the left of P. The wife of U is opposite to the wife of P and is facing
a direction opposite to the wife P
5) V and the person opposite to V(who is not R) are facing different directions. P is facing the same
direction as T.
6) S is not male and is not a neighbor of U. Q is second to the left of R.

(Set – 5)

Bansal, Verma, Sharma, Akriti, Mehta, Shrivastav, Tyagi and Singh were among those athletes who
qualified for the Olympic Games. There were three Shooting players, two Wrestling players and
one each player playing Badminton, Gymnastic and Table Tennis among them. Three of them received
no medal while two won gold medal, two won silver medal and one of them won a bronze
• The one who won bronze medal does not play Badminton
• Sharma does not play Wrestling.
• One of the Shooting players won a silver medal but that person is not Singh
• Verma won a medal in Badminton event but not gold.
• Akriti has won a gold medal but not in Table Tennis or Wrestling.
• Singh has won a medal but not silver.
• Shrivastav is among those three players who have to settle with no medal and he plays Shooting.
• One of the Wrestling players won no medal while the other Wrestling player won a gold medal.
• Mehta won a medal in the Gymnastics event and Tyagi won a silver medal.


Ajay, Bharat, Chandan, Deepak, Elen and Faisal are living in an eight storey building. The ground
floor is numbered 1; the floor immediately above the ground floor is numbered 2, and so on till the
top-most floor which is numbered 8.
• There are two vacant floors in the building.
• Bharat lives no floor below Chandan’s floor.
• No person lives on the floor which is immediately above or below Ajay’s floor.
• Deepak and Faisal are the only people whose floor is not immediately above or below the vacant
• Elen’s floor is immediately below one of the floor which is vacant but not on floor 1 or 2
• Bharat’s floor is somewhere between the two vacant floors.
• Not more than three flats are there between the vacant floor.
• Deepak‘s floor is exactly in between the two vacant floors.
• No two immediate floors are vacant. Also, neither the top-most floor nor the lower-most floor is vacant.

(Set – 6)

Eight friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily
in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the
building is numbered 8. The DOB of each of the persons is in different months i.e. March, April,
May, June, July, August, September and October, but not necessarily in the same order. All persons
like different types of fruits i.e. Guava, Apple, Grapes, Mango, Banana,
Pineapple, Litchi and Orange but not necessarily in the same order.
The one whose DOB is in August does not live on an odd-numbered floor and does not like Apple &
Litchi. P does not like Guava. T lives just below the one whose DOB is in October. The one who lives
on third floor likes Guava. The one whose DOB is in April lives on an even-numbered floor but not
on the topmost floor and likes either Orange or Pineapple. Only one person lives between R and
the one whose DOB is in July. The one who likes Banana lives immediately above the floor in which
T lives. Q likes Litchi. The one whose DOB is in June lives on an even numbered floor and lives just
above the person whose DOB is in October. O’s DOB is not in July and October. The persons (who
likes Apple, Mango, Orange and Grapes) lives on even numbered floor. The one who likes Grapes
lives below the one who likes Mango. Only two persons live between the one whose DOB is in August
and the one whose DOB is in March. P’s DOB is not in September. Only two persons live between
R and the one whose DOB is in April. Neither Q nor O lives on the first floor. Only one person
lives between O and the one whose DOB is in May. M lives just above R. Only two persons live between
Q and M. The one whose
DOB is in July does not live on floor number one. M does not like Grapes and Mango. N lives on an
even-numbered floor and just above O.

(Set – 7)

Six persons- A, B, C, D, E and F came to the library on the same day. Each of them was having exactly
one book among- Mathematics, Physics, Sociology, Psychology, Economics and History, which
was to be returned to the library. They placed the books on a book rack, where the shelves of the
book rack were numbered from 1 to 20, arranged one above the other vertically, such that 20th
shelf is topmost and 1st shelf is the lowermost shelf. After they deposited their books, there were
no books except these E books in the book rack and none of these 6 books were kept on adjacent
shelves. It is also known that:
1) The book of Mathematics was kept two shelves above the shelf number that is twice the shelf
number of the book returned by B, which was not on Sociology. These two books were neither on
the topmost shelf nor on the bottom most shelf.
2) The book returned by D was placed three shelves above the shelf of the book returned by C,
which was not on Physics.
3) The History book was kept on a lower shelf than the shelf on which Economics book was kept,
and no book was kept between these books.
The book on Physics was not kept on the 10th shelf.
4) F, who didn’t return a book on Sociology, kept his book on a shelf number which is thrice the
shelf number of the Economics book. None of these books were placed on a prime numbered shelf.
5) The difference the shelf numbers of book on Sociology and book returned by A, not necessarily
in the same order, was same as the shelf number of the book returned by C.
6) The Physics book was on a shelf number that is placed on a shelf immediately above the shelf
which is thrice the shelf number of the book on History.
7) Economics book was not kept on the 4th shelf.

(Set – 8)

8 friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work as a different professionals: banker, salesman, painter.
teacher, doctor, scientist, businessman and singer not necessarily in the same order. They also earn
a different monthly remuneration: 10k, 20k. 30k. 40k. 50k. 60K 70k and 80k not necessarily in the
same order. The combination is based on the following rules
• The singer earns more than only H.
• The difference between A and the painter’s income is 60k
• G is either the painter or the singer
• A is not the singer
• C is neither the doctor nor the scientist
• D earns 60k
• Difference between businessman’s and C’s income is 50k, Businessman earns more than C
• Banker earns more than D.
• Teacher earns more than the Scientist
• Doctor earns equal to E’s and the singers combined monthly income
• F is not the businessman.

(Set – 9)

8 friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work as a different professionals: banker, salesman, painter.
teacher, doctor, scientist, businessman and singer not necessarily in the same order. They also earn
a different monthly remuneration: 10k, 20k. 30k. 40k. 50k. 60K 70k and 80k not necessarily in the
same order. The combination is based on the following rules
• The singer earns more than only H.
• The difference between A and the painter’s income is 60k
• G is either the painter or the singer
• A is not the singer
• C is neither the doctor nor the scientist
• D earns 60k
• Difference between businessman’s and C’s income is 50k, Businessman earns more than C
• Banker earns more than D.
• Teacher earns more than the Scientist
• Doctor earns equal to E’s and the singers combined monthly income
• F is not the businessman.

(Set – 10)

8 people A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H live in a building, with ground floor being 1st floor and top floor
being 8th floor.
They all have their birthdays in Feb, March, April and May on dates 10 or 20.
(i) One person lives between C and F. As many people live between H & G as between A & E
live. G is 2 months younger than H.
(ii) The one whose birthday come in a month of 31 days lives on the lowest floor while the oldest
of them lives on the top floor.
(iii) One person lives between H & A. B lives on 4th floor. Two people celebrate their birthdays
between the birthdays of C & D.
(iv) The persons whose birthday fall in the month of March live on the adjacent floors.
(v) 2 persons live between the ones whose birthday fall in the month of April. A’s birthday fall on
20th Feb.
(vi) Two persons live above F. Two persons celebrate their birthday between the birthdays of D and
G. B lives on one of the floors above G. E is older than B.

(Set – 11)

There are five units i.e. 1,2,3,4 & 5 . Each unit has a different height. Also each unit contains books
& boxes. Unit 2 is above unit 1 & unit 3 is above unit 2 & so on . Every unit is belongs to different
country i.e. Beijing, Paris, London, Sydney & Zurich. The total height of all five units is equal to 252
*Total height of unit is equal to the total height of books plus total height of boxes in each unit.
*Height of book is not equal to the height of boxes. Unless specified so.
The books belongs to London are in even unit. The total height of Unit 1 is 75 feet. Sydney is not
unit 1.The total height of unit which belongs Sydney is 55 feet. There is only one gap between London
& Paris. The height of books and height of boxes in Unit 3 are equal. The height of books in unit
2 is not less than 30 feet. The books in unit 4 is four more than books, which are in unit 3. The total
height of London is not 37 ft. The total height of unit, which contains 37 feet is not immediate
above the unit, which contain 20 feet more than the unit, which belongs to Sydney. The height of
boxes in unit 2 is 23 feet. Unit belongs to Zurich does not contain the equal height of books and
boxes. The total height of unit 2 is a odd number and height is more than 50 feet and less than 55
feet. Unit 1 contains 23 feet height of boxes more than unit 4 height of boxes and unit 5 contains 7
feet of books less than unit 1 contains.

(Set – 12)

There are 12 members in a family A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, l, J, L spanning across 3 generations and
there are 4 married couples. The first generation consists of only one married couple. The following
Information is Known about them:-
1) J is the mother in law of l.
2) A & L are cousins or opposite gender
3) C is the paternal grandmother of G.
4) K is the father of B and also has two daughters.
5) F & D are two aunts of L.
6) H has 2 children and is brother in law of D.
7) L & E are cousins and are nieces of D.
8) B & I are of the opposite gender.
9) G and L are siblings of opposite gender.
10) Only married couples have children.


There are 12 members in a family A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, l, J, L spanning across 3 generations and
there are 4 married couples. The first generation consists of only one married couple. The following
Information is Known about them:-
1) J is the mother in law of l.
2) A & L are cousins or opposite gender
3) C is the paternal grandmother of G.
4) K is the father of B and also has two daughters.
5) F & D are two aunts of L.
6) H has 2 children and is brother in law of D.
7) L & E are cousins and are nieces of D.
8) B & I are of the opposite gender.
9) G and L are siblings of opposite gender.
10) Only married couples have children.

(Set – 13)

A total of twelve people are sitting in two different rows. In each row three people are facing north
and three people are facing south; A person in row 1, who is facing towards south is exactly facing
the person sitting in row 2 i.e., the person sitting in row 2 must be facing towards north. And a person
in row 1, who is facing towards north, is exactly facing opposite to the person sitting in row 2
i.e., the person sitting in row 2 must be facing towards south. In row 1, A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting
and in row 2, M, N, X, P, L and R are sitting, not necessarily in the same order.
• X and P are adjacent to each other and neither of them is sitting at the extreme ends.
• A is sitting third to the right of B but neither of them sit at any of the extreme end.
• Both A and B are facing in the same direction.
• M sits opposite to the one who is sitting second to the left of C.
• N is sitting third to the right of the person whose back is facing E’s back
• Immediate neighbors of N are facing opposite to N.
• More than one person is sitting between P and R.
• F is sitting at the extreme end of the row and is to the immediate right of the person facing R.
• X is not the immediate neighbor of either M or L.
• C is sitting exactly between A and D, and A is facing R.
• C is facing in the same direction as F is facing.


Twelve friends – A, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z went to watch a movie in a theater that has
rows A-N (in sequence) with six seats per row. Row A is the closest to the screen. The group completely
occupied rows F and G and all they faced the screen. There are five girls and seven boys in
this group but none of the girls occupies the corner seats. It is also known that:
1) A, P, W and Z occupy the corner seats.
2) U is to the immediate left of P and opposite R. However, U can see R but R cannot see U.
3) X is second to the left of W and third to the right of A.
4) V is to the right of Z and opposite Q.
5) Y, who is opposite S, is the neighbor of A.
6) In row F, the girls have occupied the third and fifth seats from the left In row G, U is the only girl
sitting opposite to a girl.
7) There are three girls in row G.

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