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The role of women in developing a knowledge economy – Burning Issue – Free PDF Download

The role of women in developing a knowledge economy – Burning Issue – Free PDF Download_4.1

Empowerment of women is necessary to achieve the aim of $5 trillion economy.

  • Indian economic success requires scientific skills that can foster a knowledge economy, the emergence of which depends on how genderbalanced the workforce is.
  • The requirement of the skilled workforce: A rapidly growing India requires a highly skilled technical workforce that is crucial for developing a knowledge economy.
  • Unfortunately, half the scientific potential of India— women in science—is squandered.

 Factors that disadvantage women

  • Scientists earn less.
  • Have less prestige within departments.
  • Have less lab space.
  • Are offered inadequate jobs on graduating with science degrees and have more teaching responsibilities.
  • They also face greater difficulty in receiving grants and therefore apply for fewer grants in the first place.
  • They lack the work experience that would enable them to rise up the ranks and provide access to the wide range of developmental models that could build the credibility they need to advance.
  • Mentors often help build confidence as well as professional identity in protégés and offer access to developmental opportunities, allowing individuals to demonstrate their ability and gain trust.

Organizations work culture

  • Unepathetic culture
  • Group membership as criteria leads to discrimination
  • Gender bias as a major career obstacle
  • Quit rate
  • The need for the employee-friendly policies: In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in the number of women with children who participate in the country’s paid workforce.
  • For instance, the internet and telecom revolutions have enabled organizations to introduce employee friendly policies
  • Need for the realisation of the full potential of women
  • Reach out to young girls
  • Convention of women
  • We must mobilize all our resources if India aims to be a $5 trillion economy.
  • The gender imbalance in science and technology is a looming challenge and threatens to weaken our country’s competitive economic position.
  • We can empower and motivate more women to join scientific fields, unlock India’s full potential, and develop the country to become a knowledge economy.

 Role of Women in india’s socio-economic Transformation

  • For the past few decades and especially in the last few years, Indian women have taken a great stride in all fields of activity. Yet, a lot remains to be achieved.
  • For example, we have to understand if women in India are truly free and if their voices are truly being heard.
  • Most women in India are engaged in subsistence level work in agriculture in rural areas, and in low paying jobs such as domestic service and petty home based manufacturing in urban areas.
  • Any government which is serious about ensuring women’s economic empowerment and equal access to livelihoods must address the numerous challenges that exist along this highly gendered continuum of unpaid, underpaid and paid work.
  • We must mobilize all our resources, if India aims to be a $5 trillion economy.
  • The gender imbalance in science and technology is a looming challenge and threatens to weaken our country’s competitive economic position.
  • By addressing these concerns, we can empower and motivate more women to join scientific fields, unlock India’s full potential, and develop the country to become a knowledge economy.


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The role of women in developing a knowledge economy – Burning Issue – Free PDF Download_4.1

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