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daily word list

  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 29th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Divisive Adjective Meaning forming or expressing division or distribution. creating dissension or discord. Cascade Noun Meaning a waterfall descending over a steep, rocky surface. a series of shallow or steplike waterfalls, either natural or artificial. anything that resembles a waterfall, especially in...

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    Published On June 30th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 28th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Abreast Adverb Meaning Side by side, beside each other in a line. Equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness Tenet Noun  Meaning Any opinion, principle, doctrine, dogma, etc., especially one held as true by members of a profession,...

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    Published On June 29th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 27th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    vent Noun meaning an opening, as in a wall, serving as an outlet for air, smoke, fumes, or the like. Adherent Adjective Meaning sticking; clinging; adhering: bound by contract or other formal agreement: Preemptive Adjective Meaning of or relating to...

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    Published On June 29th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 26th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Muse Verb Meaning to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject. to meditate on. to comment thoughtfully or ruminate upon. Coerce Verb Meaning to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition...

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    Published On June 29th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 25th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Obviate Verb Meaning to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unnecessary. Attenuate Verb Meaning to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value: to make thin; make slender or fine. Solicitous Adjective...

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    Published On June 28th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 24th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

     Pagan Noun Meaning   A member of a religious, spiritual, or cultural community based on the worship of nature or the earth; a neopagan. A follower of a polytheistic religion Season Verb Meaning To become seasoned, matured, hardened, or the...

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    Published On June 27th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 23rd June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Inconsequential Adjective Meaning of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial. inconsequent; illogical. irrelevant. Abrogate Verb Meaning to abolish by formal or official means; annul by an authoritative act; repeal: to put aside; put an end to. Contrite Adjective Meaning Caused...

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    Published On June 24th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 22nd June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Tardy Adjective Meaning Late; behind time; not on time: Moving or acting slowly; slow; sluggish. Delaying through reluctance. Apparel Noun Meaning Clothing, especially outerwear; garments; attire; raiment. Anything that decorates or covers. Dingy Adjective Meaning Of a dark, dull, or...

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    Published On June 23rd, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 21st June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Profligate Adjective Meaning Utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. recklessly prodigal or extravagant. Portent Noun Meaning Threatening or disquieting significance: A prodigy or marvel. Ameliorate Verb Meaning To make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve:...

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    Published On June 22nd, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 20th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Affront Noun Meaning a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect; intentional slight; insult. an offense to one's dignity or self-respect. Redundant Adjective Meaning being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural. having some unusual...

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    Published On June 21st, 2022