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english advance word list

  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 28th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Abreast Adverb Meaning Side by side, beside each other in a line. Equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness Tenet Noun  Meaning Any opinion, principle, doctrine, dogma, etc., especially one held as true by members of a profession,...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On June 29th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 10th June ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Behindhand Adjective Meaning  Being in an inferior position behind in progress, backward. Abreast Adverb Meaning Side by side, beside each other in a line. Equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness Frivolous Adjective Meaning Characterized by lack of...

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    Published On June 11th, 2022
  • Daily Word List (English Vocabulary) – 26th May ’22 | Free PDF Download

    Lascivious Adjective Meaning inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: indicating sexual interest or expressive of lust or lewdness: Mawkish Adjective Meaning characterized by sickly sentimentality; weakly emotional; maudlin. having a mildly sickening flavor; slightly nauseating. scintillating Adjective meaning animated; vivacious; effervescent:...

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    Published On May 28th, 2022
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 29th August 2018

    ingratiate [ in-GREY-shee-eyt ] [transitive verb]  MEANING: 1. to curry favour by pleasing or flattering unmitigated [ uh’n-MIT-i-gey-tid ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. not diminished or lessened 2. unqualified or absolute acrophobia [ ak-ruh'-FOH-bee-uh' ] [noun]  MEANING: 1. an abnormal fear of heights or high places ovoid [ OH-void ] [noun,adjective]    MEANING:...

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    Published On August 29th, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 28th August 2018

    malapropism [ MAL-uh’-prop-iz-uh’ m ] [noun]  MEANING: misuse of words, especially similar sounding ones, to create humour patrician [ puh’-TRISH-uh’ n ] [noun,adjective]  MEANING: 1. (n.) an aristocrat or a person belonging to a noble family, especially in ancient rome 2. (n.) a well-bred person who...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On August 28th, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 27th August 2018

    douse [ dous ] [intransitive verb,transitive verb]  MEANING: 1. (tr.v.) to plunge into water or the like 2. (tr.v.) wet thoroughly 3. (tr.v.) to extinguish 4. (intr.v.) to fall or be plunged into a liquid juridical [  joo’-RID-i-kuh’ l ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. legal 2....

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    Published On August 27th, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 25th August 2018

    malefactor [ MAL-uh’-fak-ter ] [noun]  MEANING: 1. a criminal, evildoer, felon, or one who harms another adipose [ AD-uh'-pohs ] [noun,adjective]  MEANING: 1. (adj.) composed of, or relating to animal fat 2. (n.) the animal fat stored in adipose tissue cognizant [ KOG-nuh'-zuh' nt, KON-uh'- ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1....

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    Published On August 25th, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 23rd August 2018

    impregnable [ im-PREG-nuh’-buh’ l ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. unassailable, invincible or unconquerable 2. capable of being impregnated brackish [ BRAK-ish ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. salty, saline or briny 2. nauseating, repulsive or distasteful unconscionable [ uhn-KON-shuh’-nuh’-buh’l ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. not bound by conscience; unscrupulous 2. beyond reason; excessive...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On August 23rd, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 22nd August 2018

    minatory [ MIN-uh’-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ] [adjective]  MEANING: threatening, alarming or ominous animadversion [ an-uh'-mad-VUR-zhuh' n, -shuh' n ] [noun]  MEANING: 1. negative criticism 2. a censorious or critical comment or remark kaleidoscopic [ kuh’-lahy-duh’-SKOP-ik ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. changeful or rapidly changeable 2. of or pertaining to a kaleidoscope...

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    Published On August 22nd, 2018
  • Daily Word List Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF – 21st August 2018

    obstinate [ OB-stuh’-nit ] [adjective]  MEANING: 1. stubborn, unyielding or mulish 2. difficult to treat or alleviate 3. persistent or refractory beset [ bi-SET ] [transitive verb]  MEANING: 1. to stud 2. to assail, surround, hem in or attack 3. to harass or trouble karaoke [ kar-ee-OH-kee ] [noun,adjective] ...

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    Published On August 21st, 2018