General Studies Paper 2

  • Article 15 of Indian Constitution, Provisions, Explanation

    Article 15 of Indian Constitution Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. India recognises a total of 22 languages, as stated in the 8th Schedule of the...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 21 of Indian Constitution, Right to Life and Liberty

    Article 21 of Indian Constitution Justice P. Bhagwati stated that Article 21 "embodies a fundamental value of supreme importance in a democratic society" in Francis Coralie Mullin v. The Administrator (1981). Additionally, Article 21 was described by Justice Iyer as...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 20 of Indian Constitution, Articles, Provisions

    Article 20 of Indian Constitution Protection from a conviction for crimes is provided by Article 20 of Indian Constitution. No one may be found guilty of an act that was not unlawful when it was committed, and no one may...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 14 of Indian Constitution, Equality Before Law, Explanation

    Article 14 of Indian Constitution Our nation is still unable to achieve true freedom even after 73 years of independence. Discrimination and other evils still exist in our land. This taboo even affected the intention of the constitution makers or...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 19 of Indian Constitution, Articles, Provisions, Reasonable Restrictions

    Article 19 of Indian Constitution The natural and fundamental freedoms that these six rights represent are only available to citizens, or to natural persons who have the legal status of citizens. These freedoms and rights are not absolute, but they...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Difference Between Constitution and Law in Detail

    Difference Between Constitution and Law Difference Between Constitution and Law: In the realm of governance and legal systems, the terms "constitution" and "law" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their distinct roles and functions. To gain a comprehensive...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Martial Law, Meaning, Rules and Declaration

    What is Martial Law? Martial Law is not defined by legislation in India; instead, it derives its authority from the Indian constitution. During a period of martial law, Article 34 of the constitution places limitations on citizens' fundamental rights. Martial...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Difference Between Money Bill and Ordinary Bill in Detail

    Difference Between Money Bill and Ordinary Bill In the legislative process of a country, legislative bills play a crucial role in proposing and enacting laws. Two essential types of bills are often encountered - Money bills and Ordinary bill. Each...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Difference Between Interim Budget and Vote on Account in Detail

    Difference Between Interim Budget and Vote on Account In the dynamic landscape of fiscal governance, the terms "Interim Budget" and "Vote on Account" stand as critical components that wield substantial influence over a nation's financial affairs. As financial years draw...

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    Published On August 3rd, 2023
  • Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill in Detail

    Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill: In the realm of legislative processes, few subjects hold as much significance as financial matters. Within the framework of a nation's governance, the Difference Between a...

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    Published On August 3rd, 2023