General Studies Paper 3

  • Drip Irrigation System, Components, Advantages, Limitations

    Drip Irrigation System In today's ever-changing agricultural landscape, the need for efficient and sustainable irrigation methods has become increasingly crucial. As water resources become scarcer and the demand for food production rises, innovative techniques like drip irrigation have emerged as...

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    Last updated on September 5th, 2023 03:01 pm
  • Irrigation System in India, Types, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages

    Irrigation System In the vast realm of agriculture, the significance of a reliable irrigation system cannot be overstated. As water scarcity and unpredictable rainfall patterns continue to pose challenges to crop cultivation, an efficient and sustainable irrigation system becomes an...

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    Last updated on September 5th, 2023 03:01 pm
  • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA), Objective, Benefits

    Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) In today's globalized world, where businesses and individuals frequently engage in cross-border transactions, taxation can become a complex and burdensome issue. The existence of different tax systems across countries often leads to the possibility of...

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    Published On July 1st, 2023
  • External Sector of India, Components, Reforms, Significance

    External Sector of India The External Sector of India plays a crucial role in shaping the country's economy. It encompasses a wide range of activities related to international trade, investments, and financial transactions. With a rapidly globalizing world and increasing...

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    Published On July 1st, 2023
  • External Commercial Borrowing (ECB), Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages

    External Commercial Borrowing External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) has emerged as a vital financial instrument for countries seeking to augment their capital resources and promote economic growth. In an interconnected global economy, nations often rely on external sources to fund large-scale...

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    Published On June 30th, 2023
  • Core Sectors of Indian Economy, Details, Eight Core Sectors

    Core Sectors of Indian Economy The main or core industries that make up the Indian economy are called core sectors. The eight industries that are considered to be the Core Sectors of our nation are crude oil, coal, natural gas,...

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    Last updated on June 30th, 2023 11:38 am
  • LPG Refoms in India, Objectives, Effects, Significance

    LPG Reforms in India In the wake of rapid globalization and the pursuit of economic progress, India underwent a transformative phase that reshaped its economic landscape. Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation (LPG) reforms emerged as the catalysts behind this significant shift,...

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    Last updated on July 3rd, 2023 04:39 pm
  • Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), Definition, Benefits, Challenges

    Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) plays a significant role in today's globalized financial landscape, with capital flowing across borders and investors seeking opportunities beyond their home countries. As financial markets have become increasingly interconnected, understanding the dynamics...

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    Last updated on June 30th, 2023 11:38 am
  • Difference Between BSE and NSE, Definition, Comparison

    Difference Between BSE and NSE In the fast-paced world of finance and investing, stock exchanges play a pivotal role in facilitating the buying and selling of securities. In India, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)...

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    Last updated on June 30th, 2023 11:39 am
  • Special Economic Zone, Objective, Feature, Importance & Challenges

    Special Economic Zone The designation of a special area or enclave within a country's national boundaries is known as a special economic zone (SEZ). These designated zones differ from the rest of the areas in that they have more lenient...

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    Last updated on June 30th, 2023 11:39 am