indian polity

  • Schedules of Indian Constitution, 12 Schedules of Constitution

    Schedules of Indian Constitution The Constitution of India consists of 12 schedules, 25 parts and 450 Articles (approx.). Originally, there were 8 schedules, 22 parts and 395 articles consisting in the Constitution of India, during the adoption of the Indian...

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    Last updated on August 8th, 2023 08:37 pm
  • Right to Property, Article, Amendment, SC Judgements

    Right to Property The Right to Property guarantees a person's right to possess private property unless it is explicitly barred by law. Most constitutions in the world recognize this right, except those that form the framework of a communist government....

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 16 of Indian Constitution, Provisions, Exceptions

    Article 16 of Indian Constitution Right to Equality is one of the basic fundamental rights that the Indian Constitution gives to all of its residents is the right to equality. The equality of opportunity in areas of public employment is...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Right to Education Act 2009, Article 21A, 86th Constitutional Amendment

    Right to Education Education is the lifeline of any nation, and without it, those nations cannot live. As a result, education is the foundation of the nation. It is essential for a democracy's general development and efficient operation. Education makes...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Articles 17 and 18 of Indian Constitution, Provisions, SC Judgements

    Articles 17 and 18 of Indian Constitution Article 17 (Abolition of Untouchability) and Article 18 (Abolition of Title), both are covered under Part III (Fundamentals Rights) of the Constitution which ensures an important role in the establishment of equality of...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 15 of Indian Constitution, Provisions, Explanation

    Article 15 of Indian Constitution Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. India recognises a total of 22 languages, as stated in the 8th Schedule of the...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 21 of Indian Constitution, Right to Life and Liberty

    Article 21 of Indian Constitution Justice P. Bhagwati stated that Article 21 "embodies a fundamental value of supreme importance in a democratic society" in Francis Coralie Mullin v. The Administrator (1981). Additionally, Article 21 was described by Justice Iyer as...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 20 of Indian Constitution, Articles, Provisions

    Article 20 of Indian Constitution Protection from a conviction for crimes is provided by Article 20 of Indian Constitution. No one may be found guilty of an act that was not unlawful when it was committed, and no one may...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 14 of Indian Constitution, Equality Before Law, Explanation

    Article 14 of Indian Constitution Our nation is still unable to achieve true freedom even after 73 years of independence. Discrimination and other evils still exist in our land. This taboo even affected the intention of the constitution makers or...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Article 19 of Indian Constitution, Articles, Provisions, Reasonable Restrictions

    Article 19 of Indian Constitution The natural and fundamental freedoms that these six rights represent are only available to citizens, or to natural persons who have the legal status of citizens. These freedoms and rights are not absolute, but they...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023