indian polity

  • Difference Between Constitution and Law in Detail

    Difference Between Constitution and Law Difference Between Constitution and Law: In the realm of governance and legal systems, the terms "constitution" and "law" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their distinct roles and functions. To gain a comprehensive...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Martial Law, Meaning, Rules and Declaration

    What is Martial Law? Martial Law is not defined by legislation in India; instead, it derives its authority from the Indian constitution. During a period of martial law, Article 34 of the constitution places limitations on citizens' fundamental rights. Martial...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Difference Between Money Bill and Ordinary Bill in Detail

    Difference Between Money Bill and Ordinary Bill In the legislative process of a country, legislative bills play a crucial role in proposing and enacting laws. Two essential types of bills are often encountered - Money bills and Ordinary bill. Each...

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    Published On August 4th, 2023
  • Difference Between Interim Budget and Vote on Account in Detail

    Difference Between Interim Budget and Vote on Account In the dynamic landscape of fiscal governance, the terms "Interim Budget" and "Vote on Account" stand as critical components that wield substantial influence over a nation's financial affairs. As financial years draw...

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    Published On August 3rd, 2023
  • Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill in Detail

    Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill Difference Between Money Bill and Finance Bill: In the realm of legislative processes, few subjects hold as much significance as financial matters. Within the framework of a nation's governance, the Difference Between a...

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    Published On August 3rd, 2023
  • Political Parties Symbols in India, National Parties Names, Symbols, List

    Political Parties Symbols in India A voter must mark a symbol on their ballot in order to vote for the associated party. Parties utilise these symbols in their campaigning. One of their goals is to make voting easier for those...

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    Published On August 2nd, 2023
  • Difference Between Cabinet and Council of Ministers in Detail

    Difference Between Cabinet and Council of Ministers Difference Between Cabinet and Council of Ministers: In the realm of government and administration, the terms "Cabinet" and "Council of Ministers" often surface, sparking curiosity about their roles and differences. Understanding the differences...

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    Published On July 31st, 2023
  • Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship in Detail

    Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship: In a world characterized by diverse cultures and interconnected societies, the terms "nationality" and "citizenship" often emerge in discussions about identity, rights, and belonging. While they may seem synonymous at...

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    Published On July 31st, 2023
  • Difference Between Country and Nation in Detail

    Difference Between Country and Nation Difference Between Country and Nation: In the realm of global geopolitics and social constructs, the terms "country" and "nation" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their true meanings and distinctions. Understanding the subtle...

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    Published On July 31st, 2023
  • Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) Meaning, Articles, Features, Importance

    What is DPSP? The principles that guide the state as it creates policies for its citizens are known as Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP). These DPSP serve as a guide for the state and must be taken into account...

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    Last updated on July 29th, 2023 08:37 pm