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Learn English

  • Types Of Manias Part – 2 | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    Kleptomania Irrational desire for stealing A recurrent urge to steal without regard for need or profit Melomania Craze for music An abnormal love for music Monomania Abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea Nosomania Delusion of suffering from a...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 16th, 2019
  • Types Of Manias Part – 1 | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    Ablutomania Preoccupation with thoughts about cleanliness, obsession with bathing, washing Anglomania Craze or obsession with England and the English Anthomania Obsession with flowers Bibliomania Craze for books or reading Clinomania Excessive desire to stay in bed Dinomania Mania for dancing...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 16th, 2019
  • What Are The Various Types Of Friends | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    What do we mean by FRENEMY? BFF Good/ best friend Vishwanath is my BFF, even though he is sometimes an annoying brother! Close friend He is a very close friend of mine with whom I am comfortable sharing my concerns!...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 16th, 2019
  • Reduplicatives | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    What do we mean by Reduplicatives? easy - peasy Very easy   Skimble-skamble Senseless   Jiggery-pokery Deceitful or dishonest behaviour underhanded manipulation or dealings: Trickery artifice, chicane, chicanery, gamesmanship, hanky - panky jugglery, ledgerdemain, skulduggery, subterfuge, trickery, wile   Flimflam...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 16th, 2019
  • Vocabulary for Discussing Celebrities | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    Ravishing Scintillating performance What do we mean by silvertail? National treasure Star icon Public figure Living legend Big name Doyen The most respected and famous man in a group Galaxy (group of famous people) The glitterati Rich, famous, attractive Silvertail...

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    Published On April 12th, 2019
  • Frequently used phrases in English | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    What’s up? a way to say how are you? Nothing much Nothing special Thanks so much Thanks so much for driving me back home I really appreciate that I really appreciate your help I appreciate that Excuse me! When you...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 12th, 2019
  • One Word Substitution (Murders) | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    The killing of one’s wife The killing of one’s sister The killing of oneself The killing of king The killing of one’s father The killing of one’s parents The killing of one’s infant The killing of one’s mother The killing...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 6th, 2019
  • Expressions To Describe Food | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    What kind of food do you like or dislike? I really like……… (thai food) I enjoy ……. (eating grilled chicken) My favourite dish is …….. (cheese maggi from Nescafe) I prefer _______ to ______ (chicken to fish) I’d rather eat...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 6th, 2019
  • Expressions To Warn People In English | Learn English | Free PDF Download

    Careful Careful Or else you might fall or topple Be careful Common way Be careful with that plate as its fragile (delicate) Watch out/ look out Warning to be alert Watch out for the car! Beware Often written on boards...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 6th, 2019
  • Money Related Expressions For Everyday Conversations | Learn English | Free PDF Download

      Time is money!! Do you have any money to spare? I want to be rich I am in debt Vishwanath is in debt as he owes me almost 50000 Can I borrow some money from you? Can I get...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On April 2nd, 2019