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word list

  • Daily Advanced Word List – 9th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    penology [ pee-NOL-uh'-jee ] [ noun ] MEANING : (n.) the study of the deterrent and reformatory aspects of punishment of criminals (n.) the study of the management procedures in prisons     pulverize [ PUHL-vuh'-rahyz ] [ intransitive verb, transitive verb ] MEANING :  (tr. v.) to pound or...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On February 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 8th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    idyllic [ ahy-DIL-ik ] [ adjective ] MEANING : related to or characteristic of an idyll natural, simple, picturesque or pastoral romantic volubility [ VOL-yuh'-buh'l-i-tee ] [ noun ] MEANING : fluency or articulateness elliptical [ i-LIP-ti-kuh'l  ] [ noun, adjective ] MEANING : 1.       (adj.) oval in shape or pertaining to an oval...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On February 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 7th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    infidel [ IN-fi-dl, -del ] [ noun, adjective ] MEANING : (n.) a non-believer in a particular faith or religion (n.) an atheist or one devoid of religious beliefs (n.) a sceptic or non-believer of a theory or belief (adj.) unbelieving or not accepting influx [ IN-fluhks ]...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On February 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 6th Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    savant [ sa-VAHNT, SAV-uh’ nt; Fr. Sa*-vahn* ] [ noun ] MEANING : a philosopher, scholar or one who is learned   infraction [ in-FRAK-shuh’ n ] [ noun ] MEANING: infringement or violation of a pact or law   irksome [ URK-suh'm ] [ adjective ] MEANING: irritating bothersome   beget [ bi-GET ] [ transitive verb ] MEANING:...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On February 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 2nd Feb 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    1. rapier [ REY-pee-er ] [ noun ] MEANING : a thin two-edged sword used for thrusting   2. dissuasion [ di-SWEY-zhuh' n ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. persuading not to do or believe something, talking someone out of a belief or an intended...

    Warning: Undefined variable $custom_content in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/job-child/functions.php on line 1212
    Published On February 16th, 2018