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wordlist 2018

  • Daily Word List – 9th April 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    harbinger [ HAHR-bin-jer ] [ noun, transitive verb ] MEANING : (n.) someone or something that indicates or announces what is to come (tr. v.) to indicate the approach of domineer [ dom-uh'-NEER ] [ intransitive verb, transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. (tr.v.) to dominate over,...

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    Published On April 9th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 8th April 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    highbrow [ HAHY-brou ] [ noun, verb ] MEANING : 1. (n.) a person who has or affects a highly cultivated and intellectual taste 2. (v.) of, relating to or being intellectual or cultivated ensconce [ en-SKONS ] [ transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. to...

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    Published On April 9th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 7th April 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    necromancy [ NEK-ruh’-man-see ] [ noun  ] MEANING : 1. the practice of predicting the future by communicating with the spirits of the dead 2. black magic scrupulous [ SKROO-pyuh'-luh's ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. principled or having a strict regard for what...

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    Published On April 9th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 1st April 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    liturgy [ LIT-er-jee ] [ noun ] MEANING : the prescribed set forms of rituals for public religious worship derivative [ di-RIV-uh'-tiv ] [ noun, adjective  ] MEANING : 1. (n.) one that has been derived from something else 2. (adj.) not original, copied or...

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    Published On April 3rd, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 30th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    extirpate [ EK-ster-peyt, ik-STUR-peyt ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. an argument about or concerning words 2. a meaningless battle of words vie [ vahy ] [ intransitive verb, transitive verb  ] MEANING : 1. (tr.v.) to compete or struggle for supremacy 2. (intr.v.) to strive...

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    Published On March 31st, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 29th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    extirpate [ EK-ster-peyt, ik-STUR-peyt ] [ transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. to destroy or remove completely; exterminate 2. to pull up by; uproot deranged [ di-REYNJD ] [ adjective  ] MEANING : 1. insane, mad or mentally disturbed 2. disordered, disarranged or unbalanced travail [ truh'-VEYL, TRAV-eyl ]...

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    Published On March 30th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 28th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation | Free PDF

    libertine [ LIB-er-teen, -tin ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. a person who lives without moral restraint 2. a person who is a freethinker tactile [ TAK-til, -tahyl ] [ adjective  ] MEANING : 1. pertaining to or characterized by the sense of touch 2. perceptible...

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    Published On March 28th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 27th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    canny [ KAN-ee ] [  adj] MEANING : 1. prudent, shrewd or cautious 2. thrifty, careful or steady 3. snug, quiet or cosy wince [ wins ] [ noun, intransitive verb  ] MEANING : 1. (intr.v.) to cringe, flinch or draw back 2. (n.) a start,...

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    Published On March 28th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 26th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    condign [ kuh n-DAHYN ] [  adj] MEANING : 1. appropriate; well-deserved lexicon [ LEK-si-kon, -kuh’ n ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. a dictionary 2. a list of words used in a particular subject wraith [ reyth ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. a spectre or...

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    Published On March 28th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 25th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    effluvium [ i-FLOO-vee-uh' m ] [  noun ] MEANING : 1. emanation or exhalation of invisible vapour having a noxious odour 2. a waste by-product 3. an aura or outflow of particles that are impalpable superimpose [ soo-per-im-POHZ ] [  transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. to place...

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    Published On March 28th, 2018