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  • Daily Word List – 23rd March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    exacerbate [ ig-ZAS-er-beyt, ek-SAS-] [  verb ] MEANING : aggravate; increase intensity, bitterness or violence burlesque [ ber-LESK ] [ noun, verb ] MEANING : 1. (n.) a dramatic or literary work that tries to mock or ridicule through grotesque comical exaggeration 2. (n.) a grotesque theatrical...

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    Published On March 24th, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 22nd March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    titular [ TICH-uh'-ler, TIT-yuh'- ] [  noun, adjective ] MEANING : 1. (adj.) of, pertaining to or having a title 2. (adj.) nominal or existing only in title 3. (n.) one bearing or holding a title tribunal [ trahy-BYOON-l, tri ] [ noun ] MEANING :...

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    Published On March 22nd, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 21st March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    lurid [ LOO’ R-id ] [ noun, verb ] MEANING : 1. marked by sensationalism 2. glowing or shining in colour 3. having an unnatural glare 4. livid or pallid carp [ kahrp ] [ noun, transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. (tr.v.) to unreasonably criticize or...

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    Published On March 21st, 2018
  • Daily Word List – 20th March 2018 Meaning, Pronunciation

    palaver [ puh’-LAV-er, LAH-ver ] [ noun, verb ] MEANING : 1. (n.) a long negotiation between enemies or esp. one between primitive tribes and european traders 2. (n.) long idle talk or chatter 3. (v.) to parley or negotiate 4. (v.) to talk idly...

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    Published On March 20th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 19th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    viscid [ VIS-id ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. viscous, sticky or adhesive 2. (Botany) covered with a sticky substance acclaimed [ uh'-KLEYM ] [ adjective ] MEANING : celebrated, acknowledged, renowned or praised supine [ adj. soo-PAHYN; n. SOO-pahyn ] [ noun, adjective ] MEANING : 1. (adj.) lying on...

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    Published On March 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 18th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    braggadocio [ brag-uh'-DOH-shee-oh ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. empty boasting; bragging 2. a person who boasts; braggart declivity [ di-KLIV-i-tee] [ noun ] MEANING : a slope or inclination showing a downward trend vouchsafe [ vouch-SEYF ] [ intransitive verb, transitive verb ] MEANING : 1. (tr.v.) to...

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    Published On March 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 17th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    beatific [ bee-uh'-Tif-ik ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. bestowing or imparting bliss or blessings 2. having a saintly or blissful appearance cavalcade [ kav-uh' l-KEYD, KAV-uh' l-keyd ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. a procession esp. one that involves horsemen and riders 2. a...

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    Published On March 19th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 16th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    bcorpulent [ KAWR-pyuh'-luh' nt ] [ adjective ] MEANING : fat; stout; having a large bulky body asperity [ uh'-SPER-i-tee ] [ noun ] MEANING : 1. ruggedness, harshness or roughness 2. difficulty, rigor or hardship 3. rudeness or acrimony wrest [ rest ] [ noun, transitive verb ] MEANING : 1....

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    Published On March 16th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 15th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    benign [ bi-NAHYN ] [ adjective ] MEANING : 1. of a mild, gentle disposition 2. characterised by gentleness or kindness 3. favourable 4. harmless; non-malignant expropriate [ eks-proh-pree-eyt ] [ transitive verb  ] MEANING : 1. to deprive or take away from someone his possessions or...

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    Published On March 15th, 2018
  • Daily Advanced Word List – 14th March 2018, English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

    soporific [ sop-uh’-RIF-ik, soh-puh’- ] [ noun, adjective ] MEANING : 1. (adj.) causing or tending to cause sleep 2. (adj.) of or pertaining to sleep or drowsiness 3. (n.) something that causes sleep bric-a-brac [ BRIK-uh'-brak ] [ noun  ] MEANING : an assortment of...

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    Published On March 14th, 2018