Table of Contents
- Marsh, fen, peat land or water Natural or Artificial permanent or temporary static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt( including areas of marine water)
- Definition according to Govt. of India: Does not include river channel, paddy field, Other areas where commercial activity takes place.
- Wetland is like transition
- wetlands must have 1 or more of 3 attributes:
- At least periodically , the land supports predominantly hydrophytes
- The substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soil
- The substrate is non soil and is saturate with water or covered by shallow water at sometime during growing season of each year
- National Wetland Inventory and Assessment 4.63% of total geographical area
- amongst the world’s most economically valuable ecosystem
- Disappearing 3 times faster than forests
- Carbon dense ecosystem
- Mitigate floods, protect coast lines
- Vital source of food, genetic resources of medicines, tourism
Reasons behind losses:
- Climate Change
- Over population
- Urbanization
- Pollution
- Presence of invasive species
International Initiatives:
- Ramsar Convention: Ramsar site
Wetland of Int. Importance
- The Montreux Record: register of wetland sites on the list of wetlands of int. importance
- These sites are considered at risk due to tech.Development, pollution, other human interference.
- These are sites where changes in ecological Character have occurred, occurring or are Likely to occur.
Deletion/Restrict can be done on the basis of Urgent national interest.
Wise use of Wetlands:
- Contracting parties commit to work towards Wise use of all the wetlands and water resources.
- Deletion/Restrict can be done on the basis of Urgent national interest.
Wetland International:
- Works to sustain and restore wetlands and their resources for people and biodiversity
- Medium: national plans, policies, legislation,Management action, public education.
Wetland International:
- Works to sustain and restore wetlands and their resources for people and biodiversity
Initiatives at India level:
- Responsibility of Central Govt.
- State Wetland Authority
- Wetland Conservation and Management Rules 2010: Notified by MoEF
- Central Wetland Regulatory Authority
Wetland Conservation and Management Rules 2017:
- Decentralization of wetland management
- National Wetlands Committee
National Decadal Wetlands Change Atlas:
- Natural coastal Wetland
- Mangrove
- Creek
- Coral reef
- Human made wetland
- Some important Facts: India’s largest wetland Shortest Wetland State having max. wetlands Oldest Wetlands
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