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Women’s Reservation Bill, Latest Updates, Need, Provision and Highlights

Women Reservation Bill: Even 75 years after the independence, Parliament lacks substantial representation from half the population, with just 14% of seats held by women, highlighting the importance of passing the “Women’s Reservation Bill” to harness women’s key role in nation building. “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.” — Dr BR Ambedkar.


Women Reservation Bill

The Constitution (One Hundred and Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2008—officially known as the Women’s Reservation Bill—has been given the green light by the Union Cabinet. This crucial piece of law seeks to provide women a 33 percent representation in both the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies. The measure was the main topic of discussion on the first day of the extraordinary parliamentary session.

Women Reservation Bill: Latest Update

  • Different constituencies in the state or union territory may receive reserved seats through a rotational allocation process.
  • After 15 years from the start of this Amendment Act, the seats reserved for women will no longer be available.
  • A Joint Parliamentary Committee was consulted after the bill’s initial introduction in 1996. The Lok Sabha’s dissolution caused it to expire, necessitating its reintroduction. It was repeatedly introduced and experienced setbacks in 1998 and 1999.
  • In 2010, the bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha and lapsed in the Lok Sabha. Since then, it has been pending and reservations for women in Parliament are yet to be implemented.
  • Percentage of Seats: The proposed bill suggests that 33% of the seats in both the Lok Sabha (the lower house of Parliament) and state legislative assemblies would be reserved specifically for women. This means that one-third of the total seats in these legislative bodies would be set aside for female candidates.

The need for the Women’s Reservation Bill

  •  Under representation of women: Currently, just 14 per cent of Lok Sabha MPs are women (78 in total). And women make roughly 11 per cent of the Rajya Sabha.
  • Global comparison: Although the number of women MPs has increased significantly since the first Lok Sabha, it still remains much lower in comparison to several other countries. According to data from PRS, Rwanda (61 per cent), South Africa (43 per cent) and even Bangladesh (21 per cent), are ahead of India in this matter. India ranks 144 out of 193 countries in the representation of women in Parliament, according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s latest report.
  • Need to bridge the gender gap: According to various international reports, development in India is being severely hampered by the breadth of the gender gap and limited female participation in traditionally male dominated institutions and social strata
  • Gender sensitization in law making: As a study by the American Economic Association showed, “countries with higher share of women in national parliament are more likely to pass and implement gender sensitive laws.”
  • Positive impacts: A 2010 study by the Harvard Kennedy School showed that female representation in village councils increased female participation and responsiveness to concerns such as drinking water, infrastructure, sanitation and roads.

Global Examples

  • Around the world, women leaders are outperforming their male counterparts.
  • The Scandinavian countries have implemented policies and governance structures that support gender equality and women’s empowerment, which includes women’s representation in political and leadership positions.
  • Norway implemented a quota system in 2003 that required 40% of seats on corporate boards to be occupied by women.
  • Moreover, countries led by women have shown to have some of the best policies and governance practices.
  • The deep scars in Rwanda, a central African nation, from the genocide, are being healed by predominantly a leadership that comprises women; this has also resulted in key social reforms.

Provisions for Women’s Political Empowerment in Indian Constitution

  • Article 15 (3): The State is empowered to make “special provisions”, legislative or otherwise, to secure women’s socio-political advancement.
  • Article 325: Guarantees equal rights for both sexes, and entitles women to enjoy economic, social, cultural, and political rights on an equal footing with men.

About the Women’s Reservation Bill [The Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill, 2008]

  • Origination of women reservation in India:
    • The discourse on women’s reservation in India can be traced back to 1955 when a government appointed committee recommended that 10% of seats in the Lok Sabha and State legislative assemblies should be reserved for women.
    • However, it was not until the 1980s that the demand for women’s reservations gained momentum.
    • The National Perspective Plan for Women (1988) recommended that 30% of seats in all elected bodies should be reserved for women.
  • The Journey of Women’s Reservation Bill: The Women Reservation Bill (Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill, 2010) has witnessed a troubled journey in Parliament and has been opposed on many grounds.
Journey of Women’s Reservation Bill:
Journey of Women’s Reservation Bill:
  • Key provisions of the Women’s Reservation Bill:
Key provisions of the Women's Reservation Bill
Key provisions of the Women’s Reservation Bill
  • Arguments in favour of and against the bill:
Arguments supporting the bill Arguments against the bill
  • Women’s active political participation is crucial in their fight against the abuse, discrimination, and inequality they face, and in promoting gender equality.
  • Sustainable progress towards human development indicators relies heavily on women’s political participation.
  • A representative and functional democracy requires political participation from all segments of society.
  • Women’s political participation can inspire them to work towards creating a more equal and better society, leading to inclusive national development.
  • Eliminating gender discrimination and empowering women, as outlined in the Preamble and Constitution of India, is integral to promoting equality of rights and freedoms.
  • It would perpetuate the unequal status of women since they would not be perceived to be competing on merit.
  • Reservation may benefit only privileged women, worsening the situation for marginalized and underprivileged groups.
  • The rotation of reserved constituencies in each election could reduce the incentive of an MP to work for their constituency, as they may become ineligible to seek re-election from that same constituency.
  • Reservation may lead to a “proxy culture” or a situation where elected women lack real power and act on behalf of male decision-makers.
  • Reserving legislative positions for women may result in qualified men losing out on those positions.

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Women Reservation Bill FAQs

What is the note on the women's reservation bill?

The Women's Reservation Bill was first introduced in the Lok Sabha in 1996 as the 81st Amendment Bill. The bill provided 33% reservation for women in the Lok Sabha and the legislative assemblies. The bill was referred to a Joint Parliamentary Committee but the bill lapsed after the Lok Sabha was dissolved.

What is womens reservation bill 2023?

The, Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023, seeks to introduce three new articles and one new clause in the Constitution. A bill to provide reservation for women in Parliament and assemblies were first introduced in the Lok Sabha in 1996 by the Deve Gowda-led United Front government.

What is the 108 Amendment Bill?

The Constitution (One Hundred and Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2008 seeks to reserve one-third of all seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the state legislative assemblies. The allocation of reserved seats shall be determined by such authority as prescribed by Parliament.

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